Showing: 41-50 of 2200 results

Top Gun: The Art of Staff Retention and Appreciation

As a camp director for over 25 years, I can say with absolute certainty that every year two consistent challenges rise above all the rest. One, did I hyphenate Ga-Ga in the activities description,...

Starry, Starry Night

Running through a field at the base of a mountain, arms open, eyes lifted to the skies. Taking in a sea of stars (who knew there were so many?). Shoes damp from dewy grass, it was like the world...

Pulling the Plug: Why Teaching Campers How to Detach From Their Devices Is Critical to Summer Success

“Have you tried unplugging it?” This is a question we’ve all asked one another, typically when something we have doesn’t work. WiFi’s down. “Have you tried unplugging it?” TV won’t connect to Netflix...

Spoiler Alert — You Won't Be Around Forever

Whether you plan to be at your camp for another 2, 5, 10, or 20 years, it’s not too early to start your camp’s succession planning. Camps are unique businesses that closely reflect their owners or...

A New Kind of Camp Culture

When international staff work at your summer camp, it's important to consider cultural differences such as context, social hierarchies, concepts of personal space, individualism versus collectivism...

Camps and the Transformation Economy

What do hibachi restaurants and summer camps have in common? Before I answer that, let me provide some context. Earlier this year, I dined at a hibachi restaurant for the first time. I sat up at...

It Is Personal. And It's Business

What folks really mean when they say “it’s not personal, it’s business” is that we shouldn’t take it personally. Yet when we’re in the midst of camp and also engulfed in a swirling cloud of everyone’...

Building a Referral Machine

Algorithms change and consultants retire, change jobs, or are absorbed by other concerns. Most of it is outside of your control and will at times leave you feeling like a ping-pong ball. The constant...

How to Sign Up for a Chaco Pro Deal Account

One of the benefits of being an American Camp Association (ACA) member is getting 40 percent off Chaco products through Chaco’s Pro Deal Program. To sign up for a Chaco...

Couch to Camp: Help Your Staff Better Prepare for Your Program’s Summer Marathon!

A precamp program could help your staff be better prepared for camp once summer starts.