Protecting Youth and Camps: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

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Jenny Coleman

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


$0 Member/ $74 Nonmember



Stop It Now! is a global leader in preventing child sexual abuse providing unique one-stop-shop for resources and services to help youth, parents, adults, and youth serving organizations prevent child sexual abuse before a child is harmed, including child to child sexual harmful behaviors. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the Stop It Now! program and resources, including WhatsOK for youth, encouraging a hopeful perspective that views child sexual abuse in youth serving organizations is preventable, not inevitable – and can be managed by actively addressing both behaviors and environments where children are vulnerable early, with safety plans and organizational polices, professionals strengthen children’s protective factors.


Jenny Coleman, LMHC has been working in child welfare for 30 years; as a clinician, educator and advocate. Her background has been steeped in community and relationship based approaches, grounded on non-violence and trauma-informed models. In 2011, she joined Stop It Now! as their Helpline Director, and now serves as their Director, overseeing a national child sexual abuse prevention program. She presents globally; training individuals and youth serving organizations in primary prevention. She serves on the prevention committee for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), and is a member of the National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse. Jenny frequently contributes as a task group member in national discussions, with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the US Dept. of Justice.

Regular Rates

  • Single person access — Price: $0 Member; $74 Nonmember
  • Purchase access for multiple persons — Please contact us to purchase access for more than one person. 
    • Your staff will self-enroll into course with an enrollment key we provide. 
    • Your staff may complete the program at their convenience. 

This webinar is free to ACA members.

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