Showing: 11-20 of 798 results

The Importance of Camp Friendships

Kids come home from camp with lots of stories — games they played, meals they ate, and, most importantly, friendships they formed. Often times, the relationships formed at camp have a lifelong impact...

Why Kids Need Camp Role Models

One of the greatest treasures of a camp experience is the bond formed between campers and their counselors. Not only do campers receive a bounty of fun times and memories with their favorite...

Handling the Heat of Summer

In the heat of summer, camps are accustomed to taking precautions to ensure the safety and comfort of campers when temperatures get extreme. Drinking plenty of water, moving more “active” programming...

All Around the World: Cultural Exchange at Camp

You might call them international staff, but they’re really camp cultural exchange visitors! We love working with and learning from people from other countries — and there’s no better place to do...

10 Rainy Day Activity Ideas

The fun doesn’t have to stop when it rains! If you’re looking for some ways to spend a rainy day at camp, try these activities out.

Your Campers Think You're Awesome!

As a camp counselor, you have a special bond with your campers. Maybe it’s because you teach them new games and songs, eat your meals together, and experience the thrills of camp as a team. And maybe...

Play Is the Work of Childhood

Guest post by Marla Coleman “Play is not a luxury we should ration, but rather a crucial dynamic of physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development for children of all ages....

How to Handle Difficult Camper Behavior

Chances are you’ll encounter some camper behavior this summer that leaves you frustrated, confused, or worn out. But don’t worry — these tips will help you handle difficult camper behavior and keep...

Camps: A Leader in Learning

Guest post by Lance Ozier Summers have always belonged to children, and the traditionally fun activities that kids enjoy while on vacation at camp might not seem to have any relationship...

Processing the Summer

Guest post from Green River Preserve in Cedar Mountain, North Carolina. Read the original at...