Happy summer!
I am sure by now you are tired of the flies and fruit flies "bugging' you and your staff. Paraclipse Systems can provide a nontoxic solution without spraying or zapping.
We offer three different indoor coverage options as well as two outdoor options, so we truly have a product for everyone and every space. No other fly control system has our auto advancing cartridge. A motor slowly advances the cartridge each day, providing a fresh glue surface to catch more flying insects, rolling them up into the cartridge so you don’t have to deal with the dead insect parts. Our cartridges feature red paper, which we have proven attracts more flies than the industry standard white glue boards.
Through continual testing, we have discovered industry-leading technology that allows for the best catch possible. We continually strive to have the best attractant and the most effective insect control available. We are available through many different distributors throughout the country who would be happy to help you find the perfect system for your space.
Paraclipse Systems based in Columbus, NE, we are a US manufacturer of highly effective fly, fruit fly, and mosquito control systems. Learn more at Paraclipse | Insect Control Systems.
Periodically, the American Camp Association (ACA) makes timely and relevant information about products and services available to its members so they can make informed decisions for their camps. However, the ACA does not endorse products, services, or companies.