FAQ information below is subject to change. External links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. ACA does not endorse or authenticate content of the external site(s) or that of subsequent links. Please contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Are there any incentives/discounts for registering early?
Yes, those registering on or before December 16, 2024, can register at a discounted “early bird” rate on both 1st Person and Additional Person registrations. If you miss the early bird deadline, you can still save on those registrations by registering prior to January 27, 2025. Preregistration closes end of day on January 27.
NOTE: After January 27, you will need to register on-site at a higher rate. Bring your completed registration form to save time at the registration counter.
Are there any incentives/discounts if multiple people from my organization register?
Yes, after the first ACA member or nonmember from an organization registers at the 1st Person registration rate, others from the same organization may register at the Additional Person registration rate.
Is it true that ACA offers complimentary registration for ACA Student Members who are full-time students?
Yes, this is available for current ACA Student members who are full-time students. A photocopy of both sides of a student ID that confirms full-time student status must be submitted with your registration. Complimentary student registration does not include meal functions or ticketed events; however, students are welcome to purchase these tickets as they pre-register. Note: Tickets WILL NOT be available for purchase onsite. Any tickets must be purchased before preregistration closes on January 27, 2025. For the ticketed closing luncheon, students will be able to attend the session after the meal is over.
Can I register for just one day? Two days?
You may register for a single day or a combination of days. Daily registration must be submitted via fax or mail using the printed registration form. It is not available in the online registration process. See the registration page for more details.
Do you accommodate special dietary needs?
Due to the constraints of hotel/convention center catering, the only special dietary needs we can accommodate are “vegetarian” and “kosher.” During the registration process, attendees have the option of requesting a Vegetarian or Kosher option for the plated lunch at the closing general session. Due to catering constraints, Vegetarian and Kosher are the special dietary needs we can accommodate at the plated lunch on Friday. Attendees who submit such a request will receive a Vegetarian or Kosher card with their name badge. To access the vegetarian or kosher option at the Friday closing lunch, you will need to present that card to the catering staff for confirmation. This is to help ensure that individuals who did not request a special meal do not take them and cause a shortage for those who did.
For non-plated food occasions, such as a reception or morning bagels and coffee, we ask hotel catering to clearly label all dishes, so attendees can make informed choices regarding what they are able to eat. When possible, we attempt to have a gluten free option available. For example, when bagels are served, we have requested that gluten free bagels be made available and have requested a gluten free dessert for the closing lunch, etc. For the exhibit hall reception and Thursday’s lunch in the exhibit hall, we have ordered a vegetarian option, with the volume based on the number of requests we received. Again, you will need to show your vegetarian card to the catering staff. Be sure to keep your card for future meals.
We provide the conference site catering services with a list of special dietary requests that were submitted so they are aware. Checking with catering staff if you have questions about specific ingredients is highly recommended. While event catering services use care in food preparation, due to the high volume of food produced daily, an allergen free kitchen environment cannot be guaranteed.
Can I bring my children or staff who are minors to the conference?
Minimum age to register for American Camp Association professional development events is 18 years. Minors cannot be registered for the ACA National Conference. All minors must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian at all times.
Is it possible to buy event/meal tickets for friends and family?
Yes, if you do so at the time you pre-register. Note: Tickets WILL NOT be available for purchase onsite. Any additional tickets must be purchased before preregistration closes on January 27, 2025.
If I am speaking, do I have to register? Pay?
All speakers MUST register for the conference — for either the day of their session or for the full conference. Speakers enjoy a significantly reduced full registration rate that includes keynote/event tickets. If you are attending only on the day(s) you are presenting, you may attend on that day for free; however, event tickets for that day are not included. Completed registration forms are needed for all presenters. We realize this in no way is meant to compensate for your time and expertise. ACA recognizes that you are making a significant contribution to camp and the profession — with our thanks! Commerce session presenters who are registered as booth representatives for their exhibit booth do not need to also register as an attendee.
How do I register for Kindred and preconference events?
Please consult the list of Kindred and preconference events confirmed to date and information on registration . The Kindred registration process varies according to group. ACA handles registration for some Kindreds, while others offer their own registration services.
What is an ACA Kindred group?
ACA serves the interests of niche communities of camp professionals within the field of camp. These groups represent those who work in similar organizations, have similar business models, or serve similar types of campers. Learn about kindred groups.
How can I learn more about the program content?
The program is currently in development. Presenters submit proposals for consideration utilizing the online submission tool. Also, the conference team develops or recruits sessions based on feedback gleaned from needs assessment tools, post-event surveys, and hot topics that develop out of current situations in camp. Look for updates on the program in progress on the National Conference web pages.
Can I earn ACA Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for participating?
Yes! Learners setting goals for CEC attainment can plan on approximately 19–21 hours of educational contact time if participating in the full conference.
If I have an idea for a program or presenter, how do I submit?
Session submissions for the 2025 ACA National Conference may be submitted through the CFP site through September 16, 2024. Visit session proposals page for more details. If you’ve missed the cutoff for this year, the CFP site will reopen in June of the following year.
Is there conference-related social media available?
National Conference Facebook Group — Join the conference Facebook group to begin your conference experience early. Connect with your fellow attendees, get breaking news, and more . . .
X — Use the hashtag #ACANat25 during conference.
Are there volunteer opportunities at the event?
ACA welcomes volunteers with a variety of short and long-term options. In some cases, a rebate on registration fees is offered in exchange for significant services.
Should I register first or make hotel reservations first?
Space for the conference is not limited; however, hotel guest rooms are. To secure your room at the conference hotel, we suggest you proceed in making hotel reservations first. However, remember you can save by registering early.
Is there a conference service project?
Giving back to our host city has become an annual tradition for ACA National Conference attendees and exhibitors. Get more information on this years’ service project.
Why should I stay at the conference host hotel?
The success of the national conference depends on registrants and exhibitors staying at the contracted host hotel to offset the sizable costs of producing the conference and exhibits. ACA cannot meet contracted room obligations if registrants and exhibitors reserve rooms in other area hotels. The risk of incurring tens of thousands of dollars in financial penalties (attrition fees) increases with each registrant who stays outside the host hotel. If we do not meet our guarantee, we will have to pay penalties, which add to the costs of the conference and in turn increase registration and exhibitor fees. Sustaining a financially successful conference for ACA means ensuring that both conference registrants and exhibitors have a quality, meaningful event that will reap benefits for you and the profession for years to come.
In what ways is the 2025 National Conference inclusive to LGBTQ+ participants?
ACA prioritizes creating safe and inclusive spaces. Learn more about ACA’s commitment to inclusion and belonging. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) gives Dallas a score of 100 out of 100 for the city’s support of LGBTQ+ residents and employees. The index was designed by the HRC Foundation to help residents learn how inclusive their city’s laws and policies are of LGBTQ+ people. Dallas has the country’s sixth largest LGBTQ+ population. The Hilton Anatole is a short drive to Oak Lawn, the center of Dallas’ LGBTQ+ community. Pride at Camp will host an LGBTQ+ gathering and social on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 8:00PM – 8:45PM.
Does the Hilton Anatole have gender neutral restrooms?
Yes. During the 2025 ACA National Conference, gender neutral restrooms are available on the Tower Lobby Level.
Is there a dedicated lactation room for attendee use?
Yes. During the 2025 ACA National Conference, a lactation room will be available. Please see the ACA registration staff onsite for more information on accessing the space.
Is there a meetup for BIPOC camp professionals?
Yes. ACA’s BIPOC Affinity Group will host a meetup on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 7:00PM-7:45PM.
What airport should I use?
There are two airports to choose from: Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) and Dallas Love Field (DAL). DFW is approximately sixteen miles from the hotel; Love Field is approximately five miles from the hotel.
What ground transportation options are available from the DFW and DAL airports to the conference hotel?
For information on available transportation options from either airport, visit dfwairport.com/explore/transportation/ or dallas-lovefield.com/passenger-services/ground-transportation.
What are the expected temperatures for Dallas in February?
The average temperatures for Dallas in February are: High: 62°F, Low: 41°F.
For the most current weather conditions or forecast, click on one of the following links: visitdallas.com/plan/weather/ or weather.gov/fwd/.
What is the appropriate dress for the conference?
Casual! Please come in clothes that are comfortable for moving around, enjoying sessions, and stepping outside. Session room temperatures vary, so wear layers and plan accordingly. Bring comfortable shoes/boots for walking.
How can I learn more about Dallas, Texas?
For more information on Dallas, visit visitdallas.com.
ACA does not endorse or guarantee any special offers. Any questions should be directed to the contact information available on the site.
What is your media and filming policy at conference?
Filming, photography, audio recording, and live streaming are strictly prohibited in common, shared, open areas and during all sessions without prior written approval from the American Camp Association.
Although I would like to attend the National Conference, there are reasons preventing this kind of trip and/or participation. What options do I have to attend other conferences?
ACA local offices and groups of ACA offices offer conferences on a local or regional level. These events offer high-quality education, excellent networking opportunities, and in some cases, access to a variety of exhibitors.
FAQ information is subject to change. External links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. ACA does not endorse or authenticate content of the external site(s) or that of subsequent links. Please contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.