A Message from the Board Chair and Interim President/CEO
Read this year’s letter from ACA Board Chair Liz Fogel and ACA Interim President/CEO Henry DeHart to learn about ACA completing a significant update to its strategic plan and receiving an incredible $45.5 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to advance the work of youth character development at camps through our six-year Character at Camp initiative.
Collectively, ACA impacts 26 million campers annually. ACA helps you make a positive impact in the lives of the children you encounter every day. ACA provides just-in-time educational resources, tools, research, and advocacy to help you build safer, healthier environments where children and youth can become leaders, environmental stewards, and socially, emotionally skilled individuals. More than 3,400 new individual members joined the association in fiscal year 2024.
The ACA Accreditation Program is an independent, national, peer-review program of camp operations. Volunteers are the heartbeat of the program, with over 100 serving on accreditation committees and over 200 new volunteers participating in accreditation volunteer trainings. The Annual Accreditation Report is an integral program component that supports and emphasizes accredited camps’ ongoing improvement of their policies, procedures, and practices. More than 1,840 Annual Accreditation Reports of currently accredited camps were reviewed this year. Additionally, summer 2024 site visits maintained rigor, integrity, and educational emphasis.
ACA's commitment to professional development through a diverse range of programs includes in-person conferences and trainings, online courses, and insightful webinars. The Staffing Summit, Wildfire Symposium, and Business of Camp exemplify responsiveness to industry needs with convenient and affordable online conferences.
ACA’s sponsors, advertisers, exhibitors, and corporate and brand partners provided the Association with over $1 million of support. These funds support research, education, and training that promotes the highest level of health, safety, and risk management at camps. This work could not have happened in 2023–2024 without the support of our corporate and brand partners like Trinity/HPSI, Chaco, UltraCamp, and The Redwoods Group, just to name a few. ACA collaborates with a diversity of organizations, including businesses, agencies, associations, foundations, and educational institutions.
Learn about how ACA’s research team worked diligently in fiscal year 2024 to advance camps’ ability to provide impactful youth and staff experiences through industry-leading research as well as grant-funded and program quality initiatives.
Please join us in supporting camps and camp professionals through a gift to ACA. Your generosity will help people just like you, who believe deeply in the power of camp, to continue to adapt and survive in our rapidly changing world. Your gift is an investment in the future, in the hope that the best is yet to come.