The NDO course materials have been designed to help newer directors and supervisors develop the skills they need to be effective leaders for their camp program.

Course Description

In-Person Course

As an in-person course, this is a full day of learning, typically offered in conjunction with other ACA conferences. Check the events calendar for in-person NDOs.

Online Asynchronous Course 

ACA now offers the NDO for single learners online. We recommend this only if you are unable to attend a blended learning event.

Member rate $75 | Nonmember rate $150.

Purchase the Course

Online Blended Learning Course

ACA offers the NDO in a blended learning format. In this course, the learner participates in self-study and then attends five one-hour facilitated sessions, five weeks in a row. We typically offer multiple cohorts of learner in the winter and spring.

Member rate $100 | Nonmember rate $200. 

Next cohort is January 13–February 10, 2025

Register for Cohort W

Course Content

NDO is an interactive course that includes activities, lectures, and discussions in a group problem-solving environment designed to address real-life situations at camp. This course covers five critical areas to help directors and supervisors develop the skills they need to be effective leaders. The core areas covered include:

  1. leadership and supervision
  2. camper and staff development and behavior
  3. staff training
  4. risk management
  5. evaluation and assessment

In addition to building skills, this curriculum incorporates introspection, perspective-shifting, and awareness building. This course has been influenced by years of iteration, internal and external research, and feedback from new directors. NDO is designed to be offered at the local or regional level by interested ACA volunteers. Completion of this training results in seven continuing education credits (CECs) for ACA members.  

Questions? Contact Us!

Erin Flores, Professional Development Manager,