These awards—which are funded through a memorial established in J. Wendell and Ruth T. Howe’s name—encourage excellence in writing and photography. Each year we recognize those individuals who contribute their talents to Camping Magazine—with quality articles that address the needs of camp professionals and outstanding photography that depicts the camp experience. All articles and photographs submitted to Camping Magazine during the calendar year are automatically entered in this competitionPhotos submitted for the Golden Lens Contest must be accompanied by a Photo Release Form.

For more information on the J.Wendell and Ruth T. Howe Awards, contact

J. Wendell Howe was one of the early leaders in the private/independent camp movement in ACA's western region. He, along with his wife, Ruth, directed a Community Chest camp, Camp Condor, near Taft, California, in the summers of 1943 and 1944. In 1945, they bought a camp at Lake Tahoe and named it Skylake Camp for Boys. The camp is now called Skylake Yosemite Camp, which until recently was owned and directed by John T. Howe, CCD, J. Wendell and Ruth's son. Their daughter, Marian Howe Andersen Herndon, CCD, also gained recognition in the camp field as owner and director of Skylake Ranch Camp in Ahwahnee, California.