Selection is based on the quality of the abstract as well as the overall contributions the student as well as the research project has made to the camp movement. Students wishing to be accepted for the Scanlin Award should be the first author on the abstract and responsible for at least 50% of the overall project.

A monetary scholarship will be awarded to the student who is selected for the Scanlin Award. The student is expected to attend the conference to present the research and to use the monetary award to help defray conference expenses.  The student selected must join ACA, if not already a member. All student members receive complimentary registration for the conference. For more information on the Scanlin Award, contact Ann Gillard at

Past Recipients

How to Apply

When submitting your abstract for consideration for inclusion in the ACA Research Forum (held during the annual national conference), there is a checkbox that asks if you wish to be considered for the the Scanlin Award. Check the box and follow the resulting instructions.

Suggestions for Abstract Submission

  • Refer to previous abstracts
  • Emphasize implications for camp practice
  • Follow the format suggestions closely
  • Clearly explain how the study provides "originality, innovation, and significant contribution to the advancement of the body of knowledge concerning the camp experience"
  • Abstracts will be considered on the merits of the: contribution of the student to the research (50% effort of more); rigor of the research; methodological soundness; and practical applications and contributions to the field
  • If you have questions or want advice and support before submitting your abstract, contact Ann Gillard at

Learn more about the ACA Research Forum Call for Proposals.

Contributions to the Marge Scanlin Endowment are still being accepted. If interested, please contact the ACA research team.