Written Documentation Review (WDR)
Included in Required Written Documentation Review is noted in the Accreditation Process Guide (APG) for specific standards that require written documentation to be submitted by April 1. There are 26 standards included in the Written Documentation Review (WDR). Non-accredited camps must submit the WDR to move forward with a site visit.
The purpose of the WDR is to:
- Educate the camp representative on the adequacy of the camp’s paperwork BEFORE the on-site visit and scoring.
- While the intent is for the written documentation for the standard to be complete, the review allows the camp to ask questions and make corrections before the on-site visit when scoring occurs.
- Help verify that the camp is prepared for their on-site visit.
ACA offers multiple resources for the WDR:
- Written Documentation Review in the ACA Accreditation Portal
- Written Documentation Review (.docx)
- Standards Planning Tool Includes written documentation tool (.xlsx)
- Closer Look Video Series: Written Documentation – coming soon
The ACA Accreditation Portal Written Documentation Review (WDR) tool is the preferred method to submit your WDR. You can share links to your written documentation in your cloud file storage and make notes for your visitor to review in this space. Your visitor has access to everything you post and can provide helpful feedback to make sure you're on track for your on-site visit. A summary report is provided of your submission, shared links, and ACA volunteer feedback.
Organization of Written Documentation
We strongly suggest all camps prepare ALL written documentation in a digital format. Camps need to communicate directly with their ACA visit team once assigned.
All camps should create and use cloud file storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, box, etc.) to organize ALL written documentation related to accreditation standards. If your camp still uses the practice of printing documentation in hard copy and placing it in a binder to review on the day of the visit, that can continue; however, you should also have the digital organization of the documents.
The other key to great organization is highlighting, tagging, or marking specific elements of your written documentation to make it easy for the visitor team to find your compliance demonstration.
Benefits of digital document organization:
- One of the objectives of having written documentation is that it provides consistency and makes your policies, procedures, and practices easier to disseminate. If only the director or coordinator of your written documentation can access it, how can you ensure that your entire camp community embraces and implements the standards? Having documents that you can share quickly and easily in a digital format allows greater exposure and access to all the work you put into aligning with the ACA accreditation standards.
- When documents are in cloud file storage, they can be easily shared directly with others for collaborative work.
- Paper copies are more likely to be accidentally torn up, are harder to recreate if this is the only version that exists, can be damaged or destroyed between uses, or disappear in leadership transitions. Having your documents in cloud file storage allows you to share the folder with other key team members, so they are less likely to be lost or destroyed from year to year.