All camps must meet the applicable mandatory standards to be accredited. During the standards visit for camp accreditation, if the visitor(s) identify noncompliance with any applicable mandatory standard, the camp is notified to encourage immediate corrective action to bring the camp into compliance with the standard. When this noncompliance is identified, the camp accreditation status (if previously accredited) becomes CONDITIONAL as of the date of the notification. The corrective actions must be completed immediately, with documentation sent to the ACA office in Martinsville, Indiana, within SEVEN (7) days. This material will be copied and forwarded immediately to your lead visitor for evaluation. If effective and remedial steps are taken as outlined, and all other accreditation criteria are met, the camp will be eligible for full accreditation, subject to local approval. Failure to respond to the notice within SEVEN days will automatically remove accreditation without further notice for accredited camps.
NOTE: If the camp has a “no” score on four (4) or more mandatory standards during the visit, regardless of whether corrective action is taken, the camp must be visited in the following accreditation year.
Process for Camps
- Carefully review the missed mandatory standard in the Accreditation Process Guide.
- Take action as stated by your visit team on the Immediate Correction Action (ICA) form written the day of the visit.
- Contact your visitor, standards chair, or ACA staff if you have questions.
For each standard requiring immediate corrective action, address each standard separately and include the following on or with your documentation submission:
- Standard number
- Documentation for the standard that indicates the corrective action and compliance
Additionally, include in your submission:
- Camp name and ACA number
- Date of the site visit
- Name, phone, and email of individual submitting
- The Immediate Corrective Action (ICA) form from the visit
Do not submit directly to your visitor!
Ready to Submit Immediate Corrective Action (ICA)
Upload the above information
Submission of immediate corrective action must be within seven (7) days of the site visit. All camps must meet the applicable mandatory standards to be accredited.
After the Submission
Once received in the ACA office in Martinsville, Indiana, your submission materials will be shared with your lead visitor for evaluation. If effective and remedial steps have been taken according to the guidelines and all other accreditation criteria are met, your camp will be eligible for full accreditation, subject to local approval.
Process for Visitors
- Write a "no" comment for each missed mandatory standard on the score form.
- Only one (1) missed mandatory standard per Immediate Corrective Action Notification (ICA).
- Be sure the camp keeps a copy of the front and back of the notification and the next steps.
- Include all ICA's with the score form for submission.
- Keep watch for an email with the Immediate Corrective Action Response (ICAR) and submitted camp documentation - immediately review, respond, and return