Though the summers of my adulthood bear little resemblance to those of my youth, the season retains the alluring aura of possibility that accompanied it throughout those earlier years. Even when summer weather is anything but, even when I find myself engaged in the most un-summerly of activities, the months continue to lend a certain mindset, one where memories of summers past exhort new action. Opportunity knocks — won’t you answer?

Part of this attitude is surely rooted in my summer camp experience, the gradual accumulation of summers spent first as a camper and then as a counselor in a number of different settings. If asked, I would describe my camp experience as “great,” which surprisingly places me somewhere in the middle of the camper satisfaction index. As an adult, I’ve talked with dozens of friends and acquaintances who, like me, had the privilege to attend summer camp. Many conversations revealed not only pleasant memories, but also signs of lasting inspiration: Camp didn’t just make summer better, camp made the camper better. This candid enthusiasm was striking in and of itself, as if the camp experience struck a chord untouched by other aspects of contemporary American life.

I wanted to understand what made such lasting enthusiasm possible. I wanted to try to put the magic of summer camp on paper and see what the effort might teach me. So I read, I thought, I talked with friends, I wrote and rewrote drafts, and I asked lots of questions. I’ve come to believe that although good camps come in all stripes, there’s a shared experience at the core, the result of common elements that are often deliberately, painstakingly cultivated. The list thus far:

  • Fun as a way of being. In ways silly or considered, roundabout or overt, good camps take fun seriously. They promote an idea of fun as joyful being, rather than fun as the leisure of least resistance. Popular notions of fun are often fleeting, little more than a cheap escape from boredom. Joyful being is different, less conditional. As one camp director said, “To find the joy in cleaning a cabin or waiting in line or failing at an activity — that’s the kind of fun that translates to more of life.”
  • An emphasis on growth and skill building. It goes without saying that camp is a place for practice and improvement, a place for skill development. There are, of course, the activity-based skills — everything from improvisational acting to overhead tennis serves — that easily lend themselves to marketing brochures and help draw kids to camp in the first place. But camp is also a place for building life skills: confidence, independence, leadership, cooperation, risk-taking, and count- less others. For a whole host of learned capacities, camp offers a relatively safe place to reach beyond the comfort zone — and yes, sometimes fail, dust oneself off, and possess the self-esteem to try again. Few settings offer this mix of challenge and support, not to mention the power, pressure, and freedom of a limited-time opportunity.
  • Safety to take risks and be who you want to be. For many attendees, camp offers the first “clean-slate” opportunity — that first experience outside the character expectations of school and family, beyond the yoke of cumulative identity that may not reflect where someone actually is or where he or she wants to go. Though by no means an all-accepting bubble, camp affords us a little more leeway to form our own identity, whether that means affirming our own sense of self or venturing outside ourselves for something new.
  • Being part of something larger than oneself. We crave connection and belong-ing in ways that few, if any, can fully appreciate. Camp is a place to belong — to a community, an ecosystem, a wider world around us. From camp legends and rituals to annual camp events, there’s a pervading sense that campers take part in something living — something shaped by those who came before, those present now, and those to come. At a good camp, everyone feels like they’re a part of something big that is worth pushing forward and celebrating together.

What strikes me as I explore this subject is that these common elements aren’t simply product characteristics; they’re deliberate community values of profound reach and importance. If I were asked to summarize the magic of summer camp in ten words or less, I’d describe it as joyful, inspired, active immersion in something bigger than oneself, which doubles as a pretty decent summation for the good life in general. If it’s worth noting how well some camps deliver upon this experience, it’s also worth noting how often mainstream culture points us elsewhere. It’s time to explore how we might change that, and how we might harness technology and social entrepreneurship to extend the magic of camp beyond its common bounds of summer, youth, and relative privilege.

Dan Duett is an avid runner, reader, and writer currently residing in San Francisco. He’s a former camper and occasional counselor at a number of camps in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. You can contact Dan and read more of his writing at

Photo courtesy of Girl Scout Camp Tanglefoot, Clear Lake, IA.

Originally published in the 2013 September/October Camping Magazine


The views and opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Camp Association or ACA employees.