ACA accreditation standards have always provided guidance in identifying steps critical to crisis planning. The events of 9/11 may have generated new concerns that need to be added to camps’ plans and procedures:
Risk management planning (standard OM-4)
- Possibility of bio-hazards from mail contamination, infectious disease, environmental (water or air) contamination
- Financial impact of possible decline in enrollment, additional staff costs, security measures, increased insurance costs
- Impact from possible change in access to property — deliveries delayed, additional transportation time and costs
- Alternative storage of critical records — emergency contacts, registration information
Security review (standards OM-7 and OM-18)
- Evaluation of use of high profile public sites/areas for program
- Screening procedures for delivery or construction vehicles
- Review of how much public (Web site) information is available to all
Safety regulations and emergency procedures (standards OM-8 and OM-9)
- Monitoring system with the capability to contact individual campers or staff at any time on short notice
- Added evacuation procedures, with alternate routes and meeting places
- Anticipating loss of power, water, supplies, and lack of available emergency services
Safety orientation and training (standards OM-10, OM-14, and OM-18)
- Clear guidelines for supervision responsibilities — in camp, during transportation, in public places
- New emergency scenarios for staff to rehearse; training to prevent panic and to reduce anxiety
Emergency communications (standard OM-17)
- Multiple methods for emergency communication with emergency services, parents, agency personnel, or owners
- Guidelines for use of cell phones — campers and staff; parent expectations
Originally published in the 2002 Winter issue of The CampLine.