It’s true – everyone is tired of the word “pivot” — however, the reality of camps over the past 24 months has demanded that you pivot your programs, adapt your assumptions, and change how you control risk all at break-neck speeds just to ensure business survival for the future. Have you had added in serving rental groups or maybe you altered your staffing patterns and program structure due to low staff? Or perhaps you offered new and creatives services like listing cabin spaces on Air B&B/VRBO or renting out use of camp golf carts?  Now could not be a better time to evaluate your risk management policies and practices to make sure they are still in sync with your current operations in the time of COVID. 

Fall is perfect for carving out time to assess your camp’s current operations paying special attention to any areas or activities where you have added, altered or eliminated practices or procedures.  The health and safety of your camp community should always be at the heart of everything you do and that need is greater than ever. That's why we believe it is critical for camps to take this opportunity now during your shoulder season before time starts steamrolling ahead into 2022.

Here is a simple framework of key questions to use as a practical approach in evaluating where tweaks, updates and solutions are still needed within your planned future operations. For any area of operations that you have added or altered since 2020, consider:


  • What was your purpose for adding or altering this activity/practice and does it still align with your mission and future goals?
  • Were the outcomes successful?
  • Does the success or benefits outweigh any challenges?

Risk/Liability Exposure

  • Have you reached out to a trusted insurance partner to ensure your coverage is up to date and appropriate?
  • Have you consulted with any legal counsel?
  • Have you consulted with any subject matter experts for advice, guidelines and recommendations?

Written Policies & Training

  • Have you added any necessary signage or posted rules to help control access, provide additional security and to ensure consistent protocols are followed?
  • Written policies are inclusive of addition or change and are current and relevant?
  • Is there a benefit for additional training, certification, or designation from a recognized out-side source?

In addition to assessing any operational areas that have been added or altered since 2020, it is highly recommended to conduct a wholistic evaluation of your entire operation prior to the start of each season. Given the year that everyone has just lived through, we are happy to do our part in “protecting the greater good” that you provide through your camp programs by offering Church Mutual’s Self-Inspection Safety Checklist for Camps and Conference Centers.

Don’t be caught off guard – make sure your risk control measures support your current operation now!

This sponsored blog post was provided by Church Mutual.

Periodically, the American Camp Association (ACA) makes timely and relevant information about products and services available to its members so they can make informed decisions for their camps. However, the ACA does not endorse products, services, or companies.