Accreditation Volunteer Course-Virtual


December 17, 2024
11:00 am – 7:00 pm ET








This course (formerly known as the Associate Visitor Course) is a 1-day virtual training via Zoom. Participants must complete PART 1 (online portion) & PART 2 (virtual portion) of the Accreditation Volunteer Course (AVC) successfully to become an accreditation volunteer. This course requires active participation and engagement. Participants in the virtual AVC: PART 2 need reliable internet, a web camera, and a microphone to engage. The web camera & microphone can be either external or built into your computer. 


ACA’s accreditation program is the only national peer review program of its kind for the camp industry. Being an ACA accreditation volunteer provides you with the experience to build your network, polish your skills in observation and risk management, and develop mentoring opportunities for both you and the camps you work with. As much as you give to this experience, you’ll gain from new ideas, perspectives, and approaches to the mission-driven work of the camp industry.  


The ACA Accreditation Volunteer Course is the cornerstone of the evaluation component of the accreditation process. The course establishes a system that ensures a consistent and reliable assessment of a camp’s compliance with the ACA standards. In addition, this course helps create a network within the camp community that is instrumental in monitoring the standards and creating positive camp experiences. 


This course is designed for committed volunteers who are interested in becoming an advocate and mentor for ACA Accreditation. This commitment requires that accreditation volunteers commit to completing a visit at least every other summer and a review of at least 1 Annual Accreditation Report (AAR) each year. Time commitment may vary, but on average, accreditation volunteers provide 10-20 hours of volunteer service annually.  

Time Commitment for Training:  

Accreditation Volunteer Course (AVC): PART 1: Up to 8 Hours: Participants are required to complete this self-paced, interactive online portion of the Accreditation Volunteer course PRIOR to the AVC: PART 2 date. Topics covered include the Accreditation Process Workshop, roles and responsibilities of an accreditation volunteer, compliance demonstration, scoring, and mandatory standards.  An ACA staff member send out information on how to access the AVC: PART 1 at least 3 weeks before the AVC: PART 2 date 

Accreditation Volunteer Course (AVC): PART 2 :1 Day | 8 Hours of Content: This is a live virtual session with trained facilitators. During this portion, participants will be engaged in practicing and demonstrating essential skills needed in conducting accreditation visits along with conducting a mock accreditation visit. 

Accreditation Process Guide, v.2019 (updated 11/2019):   

Once you complete an application and it has been processed, you will receive a redemption code to order a complementary Accreditation Process Guide (APG). All accreditation volunteers are provided with an APG regardless of your connection to an accredited camp.  

Published: Each registered applicant approved for the Associate Visitor Course is provided 1 published copy of the APG. This will be shipped to you before the start of the course. 

Digital: A digital version of the APG is provided to all current ACA members who are pending Associate Visitors. This is in the Volunteer Portal. If you need assistance with access, please contact your local accreditation manager. 

To participate in both parts of the Accreditation Volunteer Course, you MUST have an Accreditation Process Guide (APG) v. 2019 (updated 11/2019). 

Next Steps: 

Complete: Accreditation Volunteer Application 

Once your application is processed, you will be notified by a member of the ACA Accreditation Team that you are enrolled in AVC: PART 1. 

Reminder: The AVC: PART 1 needs to be completed PRIOR to your virtual AVC: PART 2 date. 



There will be multiple short breaks (approx. 10-15min) along with 1 long break (approx. 45min-1 hr)

Course is limited to 30 participants

Deadline to Apply: November 4, 2024 

Questions? Contact Us: