Every Camp Is a Learning Organization

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ACA nonmember: $40
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Transform Your Camp into a Learning Organization
Available to watch on-demand, anytime, at your convenience!
In this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn how to transform your camp into a learning organization—one that continuously evolves and makes data-driven decisions to advance your mission. We’ll cover practical strategies for building trust, fostering a culture of inquiry, and involving your community in the learning process. You’ll also explore how these practices can help launch new initiatives, like character development programs. Walk away with the tools and strategies to turn your camp into a dynamic, forward-thinking organization.
This webinar is a must for any camp leader looking to drive growth and innovation at their camp!
- Increased understanding of what it means to be a “learning organization.
- Increased understanding of how to adopt the key features of a learning organization.
- Feel more prepared to connect the habits and values of a learning organization to developing a new initiative or project.

Jane Buckley, M.Ed. is an established facilitator and program development consultant who specializes in pathway modeling as well as facilitating the development of evaluative thinking, group decision making processes, and fostering effective organizational culture. Her work as an independent consultant as well as in partnership with the RYTE institute at Montclair State University has taken her around the world (with support from the Templeton World Charity Foundation and Catholic Relief Services), across the country (with the PACE project, the Greater Good Science Center, Yale’s STEM-PERL lab, the Riverside Church and others) and established Jane as a go-to author and workshop facilitator on the topics of pathway modeling and evaluative thinking.
Earn 1.0 CECs for this recorded webinar. More information on CECs can be found here.
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- Details on how to join today can be found here. First time membership is free!
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- Email us at pdc@acacamps.org.
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- Email us at pdc@acacamps.org.