National Honor Award
The National Honor Award is designed to recognize meritorious service by an ACA member or former member for noteworthy contributions to the advancement of camp through leadership and industry.
2025 Recipients:
- Rich Garbinsky, retired camp professional, Ohio
- Deb Jordan, ReD., professor, Recreation Sciences, East Carolina University, Southeastern
National Service Award
The National Service Award is designed to recognize continued and increasing service to ACA at the national level.
2025 Recipients:
- Laura Blaisdell MD/MPH, FAAP, Chief Medical Officer, SeriousFun Children's Network, New England
- Jeff Cheley, owner, Cheley Colorado Camps, Rocky Mountain
- Ginger Pauley, retired camp professional, Southwest
Hedley S. Dimock Award
The Hedley S. Dimock Award is given to one who contributes to camping through related fields such as outdoor education, conservation, recreation, medicine, education, architecture, or social sciences.
2025 Recipients:
- Bashier Kayou, Camp Harbor View Dean of Camper Support and Engagement, New England
- Bethany Uhl, MD, medical director at Flying Horse Farms, Ohio
Jack Weiner Leadership Award
The Jack Weiner Leadership Award is designed to support a young person who is pursuing a career in the camp field. The award ensures professional development by providing financial support for the recipient to attend and fully participate in the ACA National Conference.
2025 Recipient:
- Mario Del Cueto, MBA, MA, camp director, Mountain Camp Marin, New York and New Jersey
Special Recognition Award
The Special Recognition Award is designed to honor groups, organizations, or individuals for their efforts to promote camp on a national level.
2025 Recipients:
- Greg Shute, director of Northern and Coastal Properties Chewonki Foundation, New England
- Eden Martin, author and camper, Camp Echo Lake, New York
Eleanor P. Eells Award for Program Excellence
The Eleanor P. Eells Award for Program Excellence is designed to honor programs that develop effective, creative responses to the needs of people and/or societal problems using the camp environment or programs which demonstrate the positive contributions the camp experience has on the well-being of individuals and society.
2025 Recipients:
- Children's Association for Maximum Potential (CAMP) Camp, Texoma
- Camp Dream. Speak. Live. Delaware, Keystone Regional
- Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco's Camp Mendocino, Northern California
- Camp Spearhead, Southeastern
Eleanor P. Eells Award for Research in Practice
This award recognizes excellence in research practices that improve program practice or evaluate the outcomes of the camp experience.
2025 Recipients:
- Camp Woodcraft, Southern California Hawaii
- Camp Boggy Creek, Southeastern
Marge Scanlin Research Award
Marge Scanlin was a driving force behind many of the research efforts of ACA. Upon her retirement, this award was established as an ongoing tribute to recognize Marge’s contributions. The monetary award is given annually to a student in recognition of their completed research efforts that result in originality, innovation, and significant contribution to the advancement of the body of knowledge concerning the camp experience. In addition to being presented with the award at the national conference, the winner will present the research at the Research Symposium.
2025 Recipient:
- Katie Thurson, Clemson University, National Youth Protection Program Manager, Civil Air Patrol, Southeastern
J. Wendell and Ruth T. Howe Golden Quill and Golden Lens Awards
These awards, which are funded through a memorial established in J. Wendell and Ruth T. Howe’s name, encourage excellence in writing and photography. The awards recognize those individuals who contribute their talents to Camping Magazine through quality articles that address the needs of camp professionals and outstanding photography.
2025 Golden Quill Recipient:
- Greg Cronin, MPA, CPM, CCD, president, Greg Cronin Training Solutions, Falls Church, VA, for the article “Being Your Authentic Self” (Published May/June 2024), Virginias
- Jamie Ekstrom, program director — family programs, Camp Sunshine, Decatur, GA for the article “Decoding Camper Behavior” (Published May/June 2024), Southeastern
- Sophie Ekstrom, Parent Coach and Owner of J+S Parent Coaching, Tucker, GA for the article “Decoding Camper Behavior” (Published May/June 2024), Southeastern
2025 Golden Lens Recipient:
- Logan Davies, Media Coordinator, for the photo “Gracefully at Camp”; French Woods Sports and Arts Center, Hancock, NY
- Brandon S. Marshall, Media Specialist, for the photo “Goal Spotting”; Green River Preserve, Cedar Mountain, NC
During the conference, members of the news media will have the opportunity to interview featured presenters, keynote speakers, and ACA spokespersons. For additional information, interview requests, and press credentials, please contact us at or 812-269-2819.
About ACA
The American Camp Association® (ACA) is a national organization serving the more than 15,000 year-round and summer camps in the US who annually serve 26 million campers. ACA is committed to collaborating with those who believe in quality camp and outdoor experiences for children, youth, and adults. ACA provides advocacy, evidence-based education, and professional development, and is the only independent national accrediting body for the organized camp experience. ACA accreditation provides public evidence of a camp's voluntary commitment to the health, safety, risk management, and overall well-being of campers and staff. For more information, visit or call 800-428-2267.