Each year, the May/June issue of Camping Magazine is devoted to staff training — perfect for Staff Orientation!
The 2024 issue has brand new staff training content from the experts created exclusively for staff and for trainers. You can have the best staff trainers at your camp!
This premier industry resource is available at a special low MEMBER bulk rate, so affordable that you can order for each member of your staff.
Limited quantities available. Please call the ACA office at 765.342.8456 ext. 500 to order.
Member Special Discount for the May/June Staff Training Issue
$1.50 per copy in multiples of 10. Share Camping Magazine with your staff!
- 10 copies — $15
- 20 copies — $30
- 30 copies — $45
- 40 copies — $60
- 50 copies — $75
This price does not include shipping.
Nonmember pricing is $2.00 per copy. Order in multiples of 10. If not a member, join now.
2024 Article Subjects and Authors
- The Mental Martial Art of Readiness, Kim Aycock, MST, and Jeffrey Leiken, MA
- Maximizing the Personal and Professional Value of Working at Camp This Summer, Daniel Shore, PhD
- Dealing with Campers Dealing with Trauma, John Hamilton, MA
- Being Your Authentic Self, Greg Cronin, MPA, CCD, CPRP
- Inclusive Camp: A Pathway toward Friendship between Campers with and without Disabilities, Lisa Drennan
- Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What to Do, and What Not to Do, Emily Golinsky, MS
- Decoding Camper Behavior, Jamie and Sophie Ekstrom
- Mini Breaks for Self-Care, Audrey Monke, MA
- And more...
How to Use This Great Resource
- Buy one for each of your frontline staff — a wealth of information from the best staff trainers in the industry.
- Don’t just hand them the magazine — incorporate the content into your staff training sessions.
- Assign one or two articles to read each day of staff training and provide time for discussion.
- Ask senior staff to lead small group discussions for each of the articles.
- Most articles include discussion questions.
- After camp is in session, use different articles to focus discussion during weekly staff meetings.
Questions? Call 800.428.2267 or 765.342.8456, ext. 500