Adding or editing my camp

  1. Is there a cost to list my camp?
    No. ACA wants as many children as possible to have a camp experience, and we believe that the new Find a Camp will help parents find an awesome camp for their child(ren).
  2. My camp is NOT ACA-accredited. How do I add my camp?
    Follow the instructions on this page.
  3. What if I don't know all the details about my programs and sessions yet (e.g., dates, cost, etc.)?
    We recommend entering all the details that you already know. When you finalize the details, you can add that information to your programs and sessions.
  4. How can I edit my camp name and/or Web site address?
    E-mail the updates to Tom Schenk or call ACA at 800-428-2267.
  5. How long will it take to enter information about my camp?
    It depends on how many programs you have and how detailed they are. We estimate 5-10 minutes per program. If you have two similar programs, you can copy the original program and make necessary modifications to the copied program.
  6. I am responsible for many camps. How can I add many camps?
    For a camp to be listed on ACA's new Find a Camp, it must first be created in ACA's database. Download this Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, fill it out and save on your computer, then e-mail it to Tom Schenk and we'll help get the basics of the camps in our database. Then, you'll be able to see the basics of those camps in the new Find a Camp and you can enter the remaining data.
  7. Are camps outside the U.S. listed?
    There are some camps outside the U.S. with a listing in Find a Camp.  They can be found with any of the search criteria except location. There is also a listing of ACA member camps outside the U.S. by location.
  8. My camp's logo or photo looks distorted. How can I fix?
    You may upload images with the following dimensions:
    • Camp logo: width 160 pixels x height 106 pixels (maximum file size of 2 MB).
    • Camp photos: width 800 pixels x height 372 pixels (up to 10 may be uploaded - maximum file size of 2 MB).

Logging in

  1. How do I login?
    Click the button on this page labeled "Edit my Find a Camp Listing." Be sure you are using your individual ACA login credentials (not the ACA camp number).
  2. Who can login to add/edit my listing?
    By default, only the person in ACA's database designated as the "primary contact" of the camp can add or make edits. If you want to allow other staff at your camp the ability to add or edit your camp's listing, please fill out the Find a Camp editor form.

Help or feedback

If you need help, please use the assistance form.

If you have a suggestion or want to give feedback, please contact Tom Schenk, IT Director. E-mail (preferred) or call direct 765-349-3513.