ACA is dedicated to ensuring that those represented in contributed photos have granted ACA permission to use the photos in its publications, promotional materials, and the outside media.
Before submitting photographs to ACA, please take an opportunity to review your camp's photo release statement. Did your organization address the use of photos by ACA or media organizations working with ACA? Photos without releases will not be considered for use in Camping Magazine, on the website, or in other ACA publications. This includes photos provided for historical purposes and/or for the Golden Lens contest.
We suggest that your camp includes the following language in your participant and staff photo releases:
I grant permission to NAME OF CAMP, its agents, and its employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to produce photographs and video taken of my child, myself, and members of my family while at NAME OF CAMP for any lawful purpose including publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, trade, or historical archive in any manner or in any medium by NAME OF CAMP or the American Camp Association. I hereby release NAME OF CAMP and the American Camp Association and its legal representatives from liability for any violation or claims relating to said images or video.
Furthermore, I grant permission to use the statements of my child, myself, or my family members given during an interview or evaluation with or without my name for the purpose of advertising and publicity without restriction to time limit or geographic area. I waive my right, my child’s rights, and my family’s rights to any and all compensation stemming from the use of these materials.
Signed (parent or guardian) _________ Date ___________
Please complete and submit the following form to ACA. This form should be submitted prior to your photo submission. The form can apply to more than one photo if you are sending multiple photos at one time.
Submit photos by mail to:
Managing Editor
American Camp Association
5000 State Rd. 67 North
Martinsville, IN 46151-7902
Photos sent electronically must be JPG or TIF files of high resolution (300 dpi).
Send photos to: