Use of public lands and waters is essential for many camp programs. It is estimated that at least 9 percent of all camps use public lands and waters for at least a portion of their program. ACA partners with government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels to achieve our common goal of increasing access to public lands for young people and of helping to inspire an environmental ethic among campers and staff.
American Camp Association Public Policy Position on Public Lands
The American Camp Association (ACA) supports a legislative and regulatory approach to public lands that provides nonprofit and for-profit camps with fair and equal access to public lands under conditions and regulations that are consistent from one region to another, and provides access to public lands at a fair price — with simplified and reasonable fee structures — including those for camps based on public lands. Furthermore, public land use strategies should also recognize the occasional need for new or short term access by youth serving organizations. In addition, any legislative or regulatory design for public land use should recognize the contributions made by camps for the preservation and stewardship of natural resources and provide all stakeholders, including camps, with the opportunity to have input before decisions are made. Finally, ACA urges continued recognition that the public needs the support of organizations with outdoor expertise to experience public lands fully.
US Government Resources for Using Public Lands and Waters
- Public Lands Information Center
- USDA Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Permit Information
- Guidebook for Outfitters/Guides Operating on Public Lands
- National Parks Junior Ranger Program Information
- Map of All Federal Public Lands
- Healthy Forests Initiative
US Government Agency Links
- US Department of Agriculture — Forest Service
- US Department of the Interior — Bureau of Land Management
- US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service — List of all State Programs
- State Parks — National Association of State Park Directors