State Regulations for California

Date Revised: 01/30/2024

Governing Body:

California Department of Public Health


Permit required for Day Camps in Los Angeles County - YES Details

License Required for Day Camps :
License Required for Resident Camps:
License Information:

Permitting is done by local or county health departments.

California Local Health Department Information

California Department of Health | Organized Camps

As part of the regulations for Organized Camps there needs to be a qualified Health Supervisor on site.


Criminal Background Checks Required:
Criminal Background Checks Information:

Department of Justice Records Review Unit
PO Box 903417
Sacramento, CA 94203
(916) 227-3460

FBI processing fee: $17.00 (employee applicant type) or $15.00 (volunteer applicant type)

$32.00 DOJ processing fee, for a state level CORI search

Application for Youth Organizations

State Allows FBI Checks:
Driving Record Checks:

An individual may obtain a copy of their driving record by filling out the Request for Record Information form. The form can be downloaded from the California DMV website.

The cost of an automated computer printout is $5 and the cost to receive a photocopy or hardcopy of the record is $20.

State Sex Offender Registry:

California Sex Offender Registry

Minimum Wage:

$16.00 per hour 

Some California Counties have a higher minimum wage ordinance Details

For exempt employees (exempt employees must be paid twice the state minimum wage for full-time employment) $58,240 annually for employers with 25 or fewer employees; $62,400 annually for employers with 26 or more employees

Minimum Wage Coverage and Exemptions:

Covers all employees unless specifically exempt by state law or wage order; State law exemptions: certain organized camp employees (but see subminimum wage); individuals participating in certain national service programs

Subminimum Wage:

Organized camp employees (includes students and camp or program counselors): at least 85% of minimum wage for a 40-hour week; if hours worked are less than 40 hours a week, at least 85% of minimum wage for each hour worked.

State law: For occupations required to pay a minimum wage, Industrial Welfare Commission may issue special licenses to apprentices, learners, or handicapped workers and nonprofit organizations authorizing employment for a fixed time at a subminimum rate (see also wage orders below).

Minors: less than minimum wage permitted under wage orders (see below); notwithstanding wage orders, minors who are high school graduates (or with equivalent education) must be paid adult rate if they are doing the same quantity and quality of work as adults in the same position unless variations of pay rates are (in good faith) based on differences in seniority, length of service, ability, skill, duties, shift or time of day worked, or hours of work.

Wage orders: under all wage orders, learners age 18 or older may be paid 85% of minimum wage for first 160 hours of employment. Minors can be paid 85% of minimum wage (rounded to nearest five cents) provided number of minors employed does not exceed 25% of all employees (25% limitation not applicable during school vacations). Minors ageS 16 and 17 enrolled in approved work-experience programs who work between 10:00 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. must be paid adult minimum wage (except under California Wage Orders 15-2001, Household Occupations). Under California Wage Orders 8-2001 (Handling Products After Harvest) and 13-001 (Preparing Agricultural Products for Market on the Farm), minors must be paid adult minimum wage for all hours worked in any week that they work overtime.

Overtime Pay Requirements:

1½ times regular rate after 8-hour day or 40-hour week in most industries (state employees: 8-hour day/40-hour week or 4-day/40-hour week) and for 1st 8 hours worked on the 7th consecutive day in a workweek. Double time for hours beyond 12 in a day or after 8 hours on 7th consecutive day in a workweek.

Overtime Pay Exemptions:

Stable employees if paid 1½ times the regular rate of pay for hours worked over 10 in a day or 56 in a week; certain hourly-paid computer software employees (earning at least $49.77/hour); licensed physicians or surgeons who earn at least $64.18/hour and are engaged in performing duties requiring a license (excludes medical interns or residents and physician employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement); nurse practitioners who are primarily engaged in performing duties for which their certification was required; employees of skiing establishments if paid 1½ times the regular rate for hours worked over 56 in a workweek during ski season.

Meal/Rest Period Requirements:

Meal period: 30 minutes after 5 work hours may be waived by mutual agreement if employee works no more than 6 hours per day. Additional 30 minutes if employee works more than 10 hours per day; may be waived by mutual agreement if total work hours do not exceed 12 and first meal period was not waived. Employee must be paid 1 extra hour of pay at regular rate for each workday a meal or rest period is not provided.

Rest period: 10 minutes for every 4 hours worked (taken in middle of 4-hour shift), by wage order, for employees in: professional, technical, or clerical, mechanical, and related professions; public housekeeping; laundry, linen supply, dry cleaning, and dyeing; mercantile; product handling after harvest; transportation; amusement and recreation; broadcasting; motion pictures; preparing agricultural products for market or farm; agricultural and household industries; and sheepherders. May be waived if work lasts less than 3½ hours.

Student Exemption from Unemployment Tax:
Additional Info:

CAL-OSHA Alert: Wildfire Smoke Emergency Regulation

Cal-OSHA has issued an emergency rule to deal with the hazards of wildfire smoke in California and to minimize the exposure to employee of contaminated smoke in such circumstance

The wildfire smoke regulation will only affect employees working outside and/or exposed to such smoke, with exemptions for businesses whose employees work inside air conditioning-controlled atmospheres. Here are some of the requirements:

Scope. California Code of Regulations, title 8, section 5141.1 applies to most outdoor workplaces where the current Air Quality Index (current AQI) for airborne particulate matter 2.5 micrometers or smaller (PM2.5) is 151 or greater, and where employers should reasonably anticipate that employees could be exposed to wildfire smoke.


Management and Supervisors:

  • Implement a system for communicating wildfire smoke hazards to employees.
  • Check with the proper authorities regarding the air quality at the time of wildfires so you can use such information to determine best practices in those circumstances.
  • Implement engineering controls, when feasible.
  • Provide proper respiratory protection equipment, if necessary.  In this case of this regulation, that implies the use of N95 air filtering facepieces.
  • Provide effective training.


  • Follow work practices and procedures to help protect their health and safety.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and attire, and use provided protective equipment as needed.
  • Inform employer of worsening air quality; and any adverse symptoms from wildfire smoke.

Please review the regulation for applicability to your business and employee activities. Use this form to track and document the air quality on a daily and frequent basis, as may be required.

CA Organized Camp- Health Supervisor Information

According to California Code of Regulations Title 17 Subchapter 6. Organized Camps section: 30750(c) There shall be a full-time adult Health Supervisor charged with health supervision at the camp when campers are present.

Section 30700(f) defines: “Health Supervisor” means a person who is either:

  • A physician
  • A registered nurse
  • A licensed vocational nurse who is licensed pursuant to Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code
  • or a person who is trained in accordance with section 1596.866 of the Health and Safety Code.

CA Health and Safety Code 1596.866 states that this person:
shall have at least 15 hours of health and safety training that shall include:
(A) Pediatric first aid.
(B) Pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
(C) A preventative health practices course or courses that include instruction in the recognition, management, and prevention of infectious diseases, including immunizations, and prevention of childhood injuries.

CalCode Changes may apply to California Camp Food Service Operations

California SB 1067 (Huff) Food facilities, updated CalCode in several sections. Camp directors may view a summary of changes to determine applicability to their operations. 

Additional resources include: SB 1067 Guidance Document and an Appendix.

California Concussion Law - may apply to camps 

The California Collaboration for Youth shares: 

In January 2017, a new law went into effect in California related to youth sports and head injuries. The law expanded already existing statue on “return to play” that had only applied to school settings.  The law, as put into the California Health and Safety code ARTICLE 2.5. Youth Sports Concussion Protocols, section 124235, defines a youth sports organization as ” an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competitions, training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate in any of the following sports: basketball, baseball, boxing, bicycle motocross (BMX), competitive cheerleading, diving, equestrian activities, field hockey, football, full contact martial arts, gymnastics, ice hockey, lacrosse, parkour, rodeo, roller derby, rugby, skateboarding, skiing, soccer, softball, surfing, swimming, synchronized swimming, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling. ”

This new law requires youth organizations to develop new procedures that include greater attention to an injured athlete and more education to athletes, parents, coaches and administrators in all the following areas:

  • Any athlete, suspected of receiving a concussion should be removed from play and not allowed to return until evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the management of concussions and acting within scope of practice.
  • If an athlete has received a concussion, the athlete should complete a return to play protocol of no less than 7 days under health care provider supervision.
  • If a youth athlete is removed form play for a head injury, the youth sports organization must notify the parents of the time and date of the injury, the symptoms observed and any treatment provided to the athlete by the organization.
  • Every year, the youth organization must provide to the athlete and the parents a concussion and head injury information sheet that must be signed by both and returned.
  • Every year, youth sports organizations must offer concussion and head injury information to all coaches and administrators.
  • Coaches and administrators are required to successfully complete in person or online concussion and head injury training at least once.  This must be completed before they can supervise an athlete in an activity.
  • “Concussion and head injury education and educational materials” and a “concussion and head injury information sheet” shall, at a minimum, include information relating to all the following:
  1. Head injuries and their potential consequences.
  2. The signs and symptoms of a concussion.
  3. Best practices for removal of an athlete from an athletic activity after a suspected concussion.
  4. Steps for returning an athlete to school and athletic activity after a concussion or head injury.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides great resources for parents, athletes, youth coaches and heath care professionals.  Entitled, Heads Up, it offers free online training courses as well as a variety of materials such as fact sheets, posters and templates for planning.

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