Updated 01/2/2025
Recreation camps as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-3101 and "services provided only to school-age children during the summer and other extended breaks" are exempt from mandatory childcare licensure but may be voluntarily licensed.
Recreation camps must obtain a "Recreational Camp Permit" from the Department of Health & Human Services
Recreation camps defined | Nebraska Legislature
Child Care Licensing | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Children's Services Licensing Exemptions | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
A permit is required for the operation of a recreation camp. Annual fee is $25 Rules and Regulations Relating to Recreation Camps | Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services
Nebraska State Patrol | Criminal Identification Division
P.O. Box 94907
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-4545
$12.50 per request, $15.50 online
Availble through the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles website.
Fee of $3.00
Covers employers of 4 or more employees at any one time.
Exemptions: seasonal employees working not more than 20 weeks in a calendar year; executives, administrators, and professionals; federal, state, and local government employees; volunteers or non-employees for an educational, charitable, or religious organization
At least 75% of state minimum wage for student learners in bona fide vocational training.
New employees under age 20 and not seasonal or migrant workers: 75% of minimum wage for the first 90 days and for an additional 90 days if in on-the-job-training which requires technical, personal, or other skills necessary for employment and is approved by the Labor Commissioner. No more than 25% of total hours paid by employer can be at training wage.
Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 48, Labor, 48-1201 to 48-1203.01
No general provision. 1½ times regular rate after: 40-hour week for non-exempt state employees
No specified state-level overtime page requirement exemptions. Federal FLSA overtime pay exemptions apply for those covered by Act.
No specified state-level meal/rest period requirements. Federal FLSA meal/rest period requirements apply for those covered by Act.
Services performed by a student or spouse in the employ of a school, college, or university.
Employer's Guide to Unemployment Insurance | Nebraska Department of Labor