Updated 6/25/24
Summer day and resident camps fall under North Dakota's Early Childhood Services, but Summer resident or day camps for children which serve no children under six years of age for more than two weeks" may be exempt. Camps should check with their Local Health Unit for licensing requirements. North Dakota Century Code t50c11.1 (ndlegis.gov)
For camps operating in Bottineau County, Burke County, McHenry County, McLean County, Renville County, Sheridan County, and Ward County:
First District Health Unit Lodging Establishment Licensing | Summer Camp License Application
North Dakota Attorney General | Criminal History Records (nd.gov)
PO Box 1054
Bismarck ND 58502
701 328-5500
800 472-2185
Requesting a Criminal History Record Check
$15 per record check ($5 for non-profit charitable organizations exclusively for the benefit of children and vulnerable elders)
Covers all employees unless specifically exempt; Exemptions: employees of nonprofit camps that are directly youth-related and intended for educational purposes; guides, cooks, and camp-tenders for hunting or fishing guide services; students working parttime
Commissioner may issue special licenses setting subminimum rates for students/learners in vocational or related programs (but not less than 85% of state minimum wage) and handicapped or disabled workers in community rehabilitation/work training programs.
1½ times the regular rate after 40-hour week; State or local government employees may receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay in accordance with the FLSA.
Bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employees; employees who spend at least 51% of their time providing direct care to clients of a shelter, foster care, or other related establishment which primarily provides temporary shelter, crisis intervention, prevention, education, and fellowship; certain artistic professionals; certain teachers, instructors, tutors, and lecturers
Meal period: 30 minutes after 5 hours’ work where there are 2 or more employees, unless collective bargaining agreement provides otherwise.
Exemptions - Services performed for a school by students enrolled in the school or performing services in a work-study program. Employer's Guide | Job Service North Dakota (jobsnd.com)
North Dakota Century Code | Labor and Employment | N.D. Cent. Code § 34-06-01
North Dakota Child Passenger Safety | Health and Human Services North Dakota