Date Revised: 04/07/2023
Resident Camps: Ohio Department of Health | Local Health Departments
Day Camps: Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services
Day Camps:
Day camps are required to be registered with ODJFS; Those that want approval to provide state funded child care must be ACA accredited.
Resident Camps:
Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation
P.O. Box 365
London, OH 43140
(877) 224-0043
Section 5104.211 Random sampling of child day camps to determine compliance with background checks
An individual can obtain an FBI check by submitting a request to the contact agency and a completed ten-print card containing traditional "rolled" fingerprints.
Covers all employees unless specifically exempt. Employers whose annual gross volume of business sales is less than $150,000, excluding excise taxes at the retail level, are not subject to the minimum wage law.
Exemptions: employees of nonprofit camps or recreational facilities for children under age 18; executive, administrative, and professional employees as defined by the FLSA; federal government employees
85% of minimum wage for apprentices (for up to 90 days). Physically or mentally disabled employees may be paid less than minimum wage under special licenses.
1½ times the regular rate after 40-hour week (except employers grossing less than $150,000 a year); for all hours over 8 in a day or 80 in a 14-day work period for hospital, nursing home and day care center employees.
Those employees exempt under the FLSA, and agricultural employees. Any individual in the employ of a camp or recreational area for children under eighteen years of age and owned and operated by a nonprofit organization or group of organizations described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1954," and exempt from income tax under Section 501 (a) of that code. Employers whose annual gross volume of business sales is less than $150,000, excluding excise taxes at the retail level, are not subject to the overtime pay law. Special rules apply to county employees.
Rest period: at least 30 minutes after 5 hours’ work for minors under age 18.
Under Section 4141.01(B)(3)(t) ORC, “Service performed in the employ of a day camp whose camping season does not exceed twelve weeks in any calendar year, and which service is not subject to the Federal Unemployment Act .
Seasonal employment is defined in ORC 4141.33 and further explained in OAC 4141-32-01. The latter reads a seasonal employer is one “whose operations and business are substantially all in an industry in which it is customary to operate because of climatic conditions . . . “ and specifies that a season may not exceed forty weeks. Seasonal employers are required to report and pay unemployment taxes on the wages of all individuals performing services, including those whose services are performed only during the identified seasonal period. For the most part, a seasonal classification means that unemployment benefits are awarded to those workers who become unemployed during the identified season due to no fault of their own.
As of April 21, 2014, a bill was passed by the Ohio General Assembly related to the procurement of epinephrine autoinjectors for camps. This Law allows camps to develop a policy to obtain, store and use epinephrine autoinjectors It does not require that you do this.