Date Revised: 04/07/2023
Each employee must present a certificate of non-criminal background every 6 months
Registro de Ofensores Sexuales (available in English and Spanish)
$8.50/hour for employees covered by the FLSA This will increase to $9.50 on July 1, 2023.
Puerto Rico also has minimum wage rates that vary according to the industry.
Covers all employees unless specifically exempt.
Exemptions: U.S. and Puerto Rico government employees; Puerto Rico municipal government employees; administrators, executives, and professionals.
Labor Secretary issues permits for subminimum rates for workers whose earning capacity is impaired by age, disability, or injury, apprentices and learners/trainees, but not less than 50% of the applicable minimum wage.
1½ times the regular rate after 8-hour day or 40-hour week for employees of FLSA-covered employers, unless a rate is fixed by the Minimum Wage Board or a collective bargaining agreement. Non-FLSA-covered employers: double-time required for extra hours of work–(1) over 8 hours in any period of 24 consecutive hours; (2) over 40 hours during any week unless the hours worked daily over 8 are paid at double-time; (3) on a day when the establishment should be closed to the public by law, unless the employer obtained a permit from the labor secretary and the total hours worked during the day is not over 8 hours or 40 hours during the week; (4) on days of rest for businesses and industries not subject to the closing of their establishment; (5) over the maximum hours set by the Minimum Wage Board for the particular occupation, business, or industry; and (6) over the maximum hours a day fixed by a collective labor agreement.
Those employees exempt from the Puerto Rico minimum wage.
Meal period: 1 hour after 3rd hour and before 6th hour of shift unless an employer-employee agreement or union contract provides otherwise. Minors age 14 – 17: 1 hour lunch period during shift of 4 consecutive hours.