Date Revised: 12/20/2018
Vermont Department of Health
Vermont Department for Children and Families, Agency of Human Services
Day Camps:
Likely exempt from Early Childhood Program regulations--see Regulations
Resident Camp:
Guide to Operating a Food and/or Lodging Establishment in Vermont
Food Service Establishment Health Regulations
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation: Find your Local Permit Specialist
Criminal Records Check
Vermont Criminal Information Center
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05671-2101
(802) 224-8727
$30 charge per conviction
Organizations who work with children can obtain a FBI fingerprint search per the National Child Protection Act. Cost -$15.25 for volunteers, $19.25 for employees plus a $15 fingerprinting fee. Results are returned within 4-6 weeks.
Information available at the Vermont Criminal Information Center website.
An individual can obtain their Driving Record by downloading the Record Request Form . The cost to obtain a certified, 3-year record is $14 and the cost for a complete driving record is $20.
Covers employers with 2 or more employees; Exemptions: employees in public-supported nonprofit organizations (except laundry employees, nurses’ aides or practical nurses); students working all or part of the school year or during regular vacation periods; bona fide executives, administrators, or professionals
Commissioner or wage board may set subminimum rates for learners, apprentices, and the handicapped.
Vermont Statutes, Title 21, Labor, Chapter 5, Employment Practices
1½ times the regular rate after 40-hour week (amounts paid for board, lodging, apparel, tips, rent, and utilities may be deducted from the overtime rate, as determined by wage order).
Those employees exempt from the state minimum wage; certain retail or service establishment employees; certain amusement or recreational establishment employees
Meal and rest period: reasonable time during work periods to eat and use restroom.
Services in student work experience programs - performing services as part of the school’s academic program. Services by students in regular attendance at the educational institution that employs them or by spouses of students if the spouses are employed as part of a financial assistance program for the students.
Some services performed by students for organized summer camps.