Date Revised: 04/07/2023
Day Camps (during summer months):
Department of Education, Office of Child Care Health and Safety
Overnight Camps:
Dept. of Health | Office of Environmental Health Services
Day Camps:
How to Become a Licensed Child Day Center
Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers, including day camps
Overnight Camps:
Summer Camp Operating Regulations
Va. Code Ann. § 35.1 governing campgrounds
Only day camps are required to conduct background checks.
Department of State Police
P. O. Box 85076
Richmond, VA 23261-5076
- $13.75 for VSP CARE
- $13.25 for FBI
Available through the Dept. of Motor Vehicles website.
$9, $8 online, additional $5 for certified record
Covers employers of 4 or more employees (not including employer’s family)
Exemptions: employees of children’s summer camps; minors under age 16; persons paid on the basis of work done; those age 65 or over; those who are physically or mentally deficient; students and apprentices in bona fide educational or apprenticeship programs; employees covered by the FLSA; domestics or other employees in private homes or in charitable institutions primarily supported by public funds; volunteers for nonprofit organizations; full time students under age 18 enrolled in secondary or trade schools or institutions of higher learning and working less than 20 hours a week; those age 65 or over
No specified state-level Subminimum Wage. Federal FLSA Subminimum Wage rules applies for those covered by Act.
No specified state-level requirements. Federal FLSA ovetime pay requirements apply for those covered by Act.
No specified state-level overtime page requirement exemptions. Federal FLSA overtime pay exemptions apply for those covered by Act.
Meal period: minors-at least 30 minutes during shifts of 5 continuous hours.
Services performed by a full-time student in the employ of an organized camp if such camp:
(1) Did not operate for more than seven months in the calendar year and did not operate for more than seven months in the preceding calendar year; or
(2) Had average gross receipts for any six months in the preceding calendar year which were not more than 331/3 percent of its average gross receipts for the other six months in the preceding calendar year; and b. Such full-time student performed services in the employ of such camp for less than 13 calendar weeks in such calendar year.