Date Revised: 5/1/2024
Washington State Department of Health
Day Camps
Overnight Camps
State Board of Health Regulations: Chapter 246-376 WAC, Camps
Department of Early Learning Regulations: Title 170 WAC
Individuals who work in foodservice must have a Food Worker Card
Chapter 388-06 WAC, Background checks
Washington State Patrol
Identification and Criminal History Section
PO Box 42633
Olympia WA 98504-2633
(360) 534-2000 and press option 2
- Name and date of birth (mail) $16
- Fingerprint card (mail) $38
- Name and date of birth (WATCH) $12
- Notarized letter $10 each
- No fee for nonprofits
Only available if applicant has resided in the state of Washington for less than 3 years.
Covers all employees age 16 or older unless specifically exempt.
Exemptions: employees who sleep or reside at the place of employment or spend a substantial part of their work time on call and not actually working; employees of charitable institutions charged with child care responsibilities engaged primarily in development of character or citizenship or promoting health or physical fitness or providing or sponsoring recreational opportunities or facilities for young people or members of the armed forces;
Organized seasonal recreational camps: kitchen helpers working more than 27 hours a week, cooks, and all camp employees other than counselors-no less than $2.00/hour if age 18 or older, or $1.75 if under age 18; rates for nonresident counselors range from $36 to $66/week for a 6-day week; for resident counselors rates range from $21 to $51/week for a 6-day week; the minimum daily wage rate for all counselors must be prorated on the 6-day basis. Director of Labor and Industries may set subminimum rates for employees under age 18, learners, apprentices, messengers, and the disabled or handicapped under special certificates for a fixed time; not less than 75% of state minimum wage for student workers; not less than 85% for agricultural workers under age 16. Minors under age 16: at least 85% of minimum wage (can be lower for handicapped minors under special work permits) Details
1½ times the regular rate after 40-hour week.
Those employees exempt from the state minimum wage; employees who request compensatory time off instead of overtime pay; agricultural employees; employees in any industry in which federal law requires overtime pay based on a straight time standard other than 40 hours per week
Meal period: 30 minutes taken 2-5 hours after shift begins, unless work patterns are intermittent; additional 30-minute meal after every 3 hours of overtime.
Rest period: 10 minutes in the middle of the work period for every 4 hours worked (unless nature of work allows employees to take frequent breaks).
Wash. Adm. Code §§296-126-092; Wash. Rev. Code §§49.12.185, 49.46.010, 49.46.130
The Washington State Department of Health is considering amending the water recreation rules to adopt the CDC's Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) standards.