State Regulations for Wisconsin

Updated: 06/24/2024

Governing Body:

Both day and resident camps are required to be licensed in the state of Wisconsin.  The day camp rules are promulgated from separate state regulations and by a separate agency than resident camps. Day camps are licensed through the Department of Children and Families and resident camps are licensed through the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.  

License Required for Day Camps :
License Required for Resident Camps:
License Information:

Day Camps

Licensing Rules for Day Camps | Wisconsin Department of Children and Families 

Overnight Camps

Recreational/Educational Camp License Information | Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Criminal Background Checks Required:
Criminal Background Checks Information:

DCF 252 requires a background check for day camps. ATCP 78.26 requires a background check for resident camps. 

Childcare Background Check Requirements

Wisconsin Online Record Check System

State Allows FBI Checks:
State FBI Checks Text:

Applicable only for organizations mandated by state statute. Wisconsin camps typically do not fall into this category.


Driving Record Checks:

Driver Record Information Request available online at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website

Fee of $7-$12

State Sex Offender Registry:

Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry

Minimum Wage:

$7.25 per hour

Minimum Wage Coverage and Exemptions:

Covers all employers (including the state and its political subdivisions, all state and local government departments and agencies, and state and local legislatures and courts) and employees unless specifically exempt.

Exemptions: casual domestic employees in work that is not connected to the employer’s business and occurs on an irregular basis of not more than 15 hours a week for any one employer

Subminimum Wage:

Camp counselors age 18 and over: $350.00 per week if no room or board provided; $265 per week if only board provided; and $210 per week if room and board provided. Camp counselors age 17 or younger: $350 per week if no room or board provided; $265 per week if only board provided; and $210 per week if room and board provided. Opportunity employees (under age 20 during the first 90 consecutive days of employment) and minors (under age 18): $5.90/hour.

Overtime Pay Requirements:

No general provision. 1½ times the minimum wage after 40-hour week for nonexempt employees in: manufacturing, mechanical or mercantile industries; beauty parlors; confectionary stores; telegraph or telephone offices or exchanges, or express or transportation companies; hotels; laundries; restaurants; and state and local government.

Overtime Pay Exemptions:

Administrators, executives, and professionals; movie theater and amusement or recreational establishment employees; agricultural and domestic workers; employees of certain independent contractors

Meal/Rest Period Requirements:

Meal period: at least 30 minutes taken reasonably close to typical meal times (6 a.m., 12 p.m., 6 p.m., and 12 a.m.), or midway in a shift. Working for more than 6 consecutive hours without a meal break is prohibited for minors and discouraged for adults.

Student Exemption from Unemployment Tax:
Student Exemption Information:


Additional Info:

Wisconsin Child Passenger Safety

Child Safety Seat Laws | State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation