During the school year, many children receive free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs. But, when school is not in session, thousands of children are left hungry. The USDA's Summer Food Service Program provides free meals and snacks for low-income children 18 years of age and younger during the summer. The program is administered through each state and provides reimbursement to sponsors for meals served to children in eligible areas when school is out. Hunger is one of the most severe roadblocks to the learning process. Lack of nutrition during the summer months may set up a cycle for poor performance once school begins again. Hunger also may make children more prone to illness and other health issues. The Summer Food Service Program is designed to fill that nutrition gap and make sure children can get the nutritious meals they need.
Your camp can become involved in the US Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program in four ways:
Your Camp Can Become a Sponsor
Becoming a sponsor means that you will serve as the organizer for the Summer Food Service Program sites in your area. Sponsors may include school districts, camps, non-profit organizations, or other government entities. Sponsors must be able to provide a capable staff, managerial skills, and food service capabilities. A sponsor may provide its own meals, purchase meals through an agreement with another organization, or contract for meals with a food vendor.
Your Camp Can Become a Feeding Site
SFSP feeding sites provide free, nutritious meals and snacks to children and teens in low-income areas.
The Summer Food Service Program reaches only a fraction of the children in need. The primary reason for the limited access to the program is that there are not enough feeding sites. Your camp can become a feeding site. (This might include serving as a site for children in your area who are not enrolled in your camp program.) Sites are the physical locations where food is served and are in low-income communities or serve youth 18 years old or younger who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals during the school year. Examples of SFSP feeding sites include:
- Open sites - provide free meals and snacks to children at central locations, such as libraries, schools, community centers or community-based day camps.
- Closed camp sites - may include camps who serve campers in Upward Bound programs or whose enrolled campers include at least half who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals during the school year.
Each site location must work with a Summer Food Service Program sponsor that is financially and administratively responsible for the meal service at the site.
Your Camp Can Prepare the Meals for a Sponsor
Your camp can serve as a vendor for a sponsor without your having to administer the program or serve as a site. You can sell prepared meals to an approved sponsor. If your camp already prepares meals, this is a simple and effective way to become involved in your community and the Summer Food Service Program!
Your Camp Staff and Campers Can Serve as Volunteers
If you are not able to serve as a sponsor or site, consider involving your camp in a community service project by volunteering. Volunteers help with basics like transporting food, setting up or cleaning up a site, and they can also plan and do educational or recreational activities with the children.
Resources and More Information
- More information about the Summer Food Service Program may be found on the USDA's Summer Food Service Program FAQs
- Could your site be area eligible? Summer Meals Eligibility Map
- Individual states manage all of the child nutrition programs. For more information on how to participate in your state, contact your state summer food program agency.
- More information about SFSP program operations may be found in the Summer Nutrition Program Administration Resources
- Meal Pattern requirements for meals and snacks offered at USDA Summer Food Service Program sponsor sites.
- Outreach Toolkit for Sponsors and Sites