Showing: 61-70 of 639 results

CAMP: Creating Tomorrow’s Innovators

“Camp is not all about the performance, but the pursuit — the pursuit of relevant experience and knowledge.” The following article by ACA CEO Peg Smith* appeared in USA TODAY...

Into the Woods

This month's guest on Peg's blog is Lance Ozier, member of ACA's national Committee for the Advancement of Research and Evaluation (CARE) and former education coordinator at Project Morry....

What to Expect from Your Summer Camp Job

So you’ve found your dream job this summer — you’re working at camp for the first time!* You’ll be spending your summer playing with kids, making a positive impact on their...

Camp Is the Antidote . . .

. . . to overparenting! So says Madeline Levine, PhD, psychologist, author, and keynoter at the recent ACA national conference in Dallas. Drumroll . . . ! The mother of three “newly minted...

PLAY: A Four-Letter Word

Okay, so, I know I harp on play. Yet, with all the disparate nomenclature surrounding noncognitive skills, character building, and the plethora of “readiness” inventories, I find it may...

We Teach Them How to Hope

Guest post by Megan Lawrence, director, Camp Wawayanda Darkness. The sun has shone in the past couple days . . . but I can’t remember it. Why? Why can’t I remember the...

Where the Internet Ends: What Camp Teaches 21st Century Kids

Guest post by Mary Rogers A few years ago, someone asked me how camp could possibly still be relevant for children in the 21st century. As a camp professional, the answers seemed so obvious...

ACA Standards Aren’t Important . . .

UNTIL: A parent tells me they assumed “someone” was monitoring the camp. The media calls and asks what set of best practices/standards my camp follows. I am faced with a difficult...

College Planning Resources for Camps and Families

ACA and the National Research Center for College & University Admissions™ (NRCCUA®) are collaborating to serve the needs of campers, staff, and their families, especially those...

Resolutions on the Camp Clock

Deep in the woods on the other side of the lake, on a remote path known almost exclusively by our campers, rests the Manning plaque on a solid stone foundation. The honorarium was dedicated in 1924...