Showing: 11-20 of 178 results

Five Essentials for Supporting Staff Mental Health and Well-Being

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define mental health as “your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can therefore affect every stage of life and impact how you...

Air Quality in the Camp Environment

Severe weather events and changing climate are contributing to many challenges for summer camps. The summer of 2023 presented new obstacles for traditional outdoor camp activities due to an onslaught...

CITs: Our Future Leaders — and a Risk Management Gray Area

For many of us, Counselor in Training (CIT) programs — sometimes called Leaders in Training or Junior Counselors — are an essential component of camp operations and culture. Not only do they serve...

The FEMA Nonprofit Security Grant Program

In 2023, an overnight camp in the Northeast received $150,000 to upgrade its security. These funds allowed the camp to replace fences, add a security exit gate, and install protective window coating...

Water: Exploring Its Significance, Sustenance, and Sources

Water is sustenance for every living being on earth. Albert Szent-Gyorgi, MD summed it up best, saying, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water” (Szent-...

Does Summer Camp Have to Perpetuate Junk Food Culture?

"Junk food” is a term we often use to describe highly processed or ultra-processed food that likely has “many added ingredients such as sugar, salt, fat, and artificial colors or preservatives. '...

Music-Making in Camps

How can camps use music to enhance camper experiences, and why is it so important?

Are You ADA-Compliant?

How do these laws apply to the camp industry?

The Crucial Role of Infectious Disease Testing in Protecting the Immunocompromised

Infectious diseases pose a significant threat to individuals with weakened immune systems, known as the immunocompromised. Whether they are undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplantation, or living...

Rhythm and the Power of the Drum: The Positive Benefits of Group Drumming for Camps

There are 3.2 million hashtags of #drumming on Instagram alone; it's no doubt one of the most popular percussion instruments around and is said to be the world’s oldest instrument. Research...