Showing: 31-40 of 82 results

Too Much Screen Time? Four Ways Summer Camp Can Help

Children between eight and ten years old currently spend nearly eight hours a day on media. Adolescents average nearly eleven hours per day, seven days a week, on screens. The negative impact of this...

Want an Independent, Confident, Resilient Kid? Camp Can Help!

While it’s easy to think of ways to teach our kids to do laundry or solve math problems, finding a way to instill important character traits isn’t as simple. The way we model traits we want our...

5 Tips for Surviving Your Child’s First Overnight Camp Experience

Your child’s at summer camp? That’s so exciting! And hard. For some of you, an internal “WA HOO!” went off as the bus filled with excited campers and their duffle bags pulled away. But for...

5 Reasons Not to Worry While Your Kids Are at Camp

Worrying when our kids are away from us is normal for parents. Every time I’ve ever dropped my kids off for a new adventure without me, I’m excited for them. But I’m also concerned about their safety...

Why We Choose to Be ACA-accredited and What It Takes

The directors and staff of Geneva Glen Camp (Indian Hills, Colorado), have always approached the triennial ACA visit anticipating a very upbeat and affirming experience! Our...

Big R, Little r; Big A, Little a

With ACA’s new strategic focus on accreditation and research comes the need to evolve our practices and services at a national level. In order to accomplish these important tasks, two special task...

Coping with First-Time Camp Experiences

For thousands, the camp experience has been a long-standing family tradition. For others, the camp experience seems almost counterintuitive. Send your child off to camp for maybe weeks at a time? "As...

Operational Change to ACA Accreditation

After evaluation of the implementation of the Operational Change that occurred in nine of the twenty-three local areas in ACA in 2016, it was determined that all additional local areas will be...

For the Love of Camp Cabins

An event planner by day, I got a call to meet with the new executive director of my former sleep-away camp on planning events for its ninetieth anniversary. I couldn’t help but think of all of the...

What Greater Gift Than the Gift of Camp

Let me introduce myself. My name is Harriet Lowe and I’ve worked for the American Camp Association (ACA) for almost 16 years—first as the director of communications and now in a part-time role as...