Showing: 41-50 of 99 results

With that In Mind, Part II: What Staff Need to Know about Their Own Mental Health

Think, for a minute, about the adults to whom you were most strongly attached as a child. Can you see their faces and remember how they treated you? Perhaps you see parents, teachers, coaches, clergy...

With That In Mind, Part 1: What Directors Need to Know About Staff Mental Health

Hiring young adults to care for other people’s children seems like folly, from a neurodevelopmental perspective. Nobody’s brain is fully developed, many activities are dangerous, the weather can be...

Expand your MESH Capacity Before Summer Begins

Consider these scenarios: A parent calls: “My child has ADD and takes medication for depression. Can she come to camp?” A counselor dashes into your office: “We need you at Cabin 5. A camper...

Alliance for Camp Health

Formerly the Association of Camp Nursing.

Why Can’t School Be More Like Camp?

Yesterday, my fourth grade son came home from school downcast. It’s his third week at a new school, and I had encouraged him to find a friend or two to invite over to swim. He had asked two boys for...

The Power of Play

Dr. David Elkind Urges Parents to Add More Play to their Children's Lives "The traditional summer camp recognizes that play is a powerful form of learning that contributes mightily to the...

Children and Nature: How Camp Teaches Kids to Think Green!

After a long day of exercise and fun at camp, children’s eyes can be much bigger than their stomachs! Camps across the country are encouraging children to put on their plates only what they will eat...

Camps Speak an International Language

There’s a passionate debate going on — whether men and women should share child-rearing responsibilities — even if it means the father sometimes stays at home. Native American, Nigerian, Kyrgyz,...

There Is a Reason! Understanding Challenging Behavior

I once worked with cat. Not a “meow” cat, although that’s how she identified herself to me. She was a thirteen-year-old girl who insisted she was a cat. You can imagine how hard it was for her at...

Resources to Help Children Cope with Crisis

Dowload a July 2011 update of this information. As crisis events play out...