Showing: 21-30 of 53 results

What Is It about Camp Friendships?

I see it at every major life event — weddings, graduations, baptisms, bar mitzvahs, any time family and friends gather to celebrate a significant milestone — that huge smile and even bigger hug when...

Eyes on Bullying: What YOU Can Do to Prevent and Stop Bullying at Camp

"People don't understand. Those three weeks hurt more than any punch in the face could hurt. It took my breath away, and my whole self-confidence." — Will, a camper Have you ever been...

A Cyberbullying Protection Plan

"Kick a Ginger Day." Fair to say, the majority of adults reading this article have no idea what this means. A bunch of junior-high-aged kids in Calabasas, California, did, however. On November 20,...

Girls at Camp: Overcoming Relational Aggression

Author's note: The names and certain identifying characteristics of the campers on which this article is based have been changed to protect their privacy. The resulting thoughts...

Bullying Behavior in Boys . . . And What to Do About It

Ty, an eleven-year-old returning camper, is sitting on the porch of your cabin. You have brought him out away from the other boys, just as you were trained to do, because he has been relentlessly...

Resources to Help Children Cope with Crisis

Dowload a July 2011 update of this information. As crisis events play out...

Why Can’t School Be More Like Camp?

Yesterday, my fourth grade son came home from school downcast. It’s his third week at a new school, and I had encouraged him to find a friend or two to invite over to swim. He had asked two boys for...

A Parent’s Thoughts on Sleep-Away Camp Bunk Selection

Right now, many parents are contacting camp directors across the country trying to make sure their son or daughter gets into the “right bunk.” The only question is, what is the “right bunk?” What...

The Power of Play

Dr. David Elkind Urges Parents to Add More Play to their Children's Lives "The traditional summer camp recognizes that play is a powerful form of learning that contributes mightily to the...

Health Begins with Youth: Get Your Kids Moving Now

Maybe it starts with Thanksgiving — the turkey, the stuffing, mashed potatoes swimming in gravy, Aunt Gertie's Jell-O® Surprise, and pumpkin pie buried in whipped cream. Then the holiday steam train...