Showing: 1-10 of 77 results

Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring to Ensure the Best of the Best

Recruiting, interviewing, and hiring staff is the most important part of your job as a camp director. It is the single most time-consuming and, at times, tedious task you will undertake. However,...

Striving for More Than "Surviving": An Argument for a Non-Inclusion Model for Camps

We've heard directors say, "He survived." Parents tell us, "She got through it." As camp professionals, we know that we can do better. Often, because they love children so much and because they so...

Assessing Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders for Their "Fit" at Camp

One of the best experiences for a child is that of being a camper. The opportunity to be in a child-centered environment, a setting that uses Mother Nature to help deliver a program resulting in...

Truth and Consequences: Interviewing Skills for Camp Professionals

Raymond (not his real name) is an experienced camp director on the East Coast. When it comes to interviewing staff, Raymond feels especially confident about his ability to "sniff out the good ones."...

General Guidelines for Social Security Numbers and Tax Withholding for International Employees with J-1 Visas

We have received numerous questions regarding social security numbers and the need for tax withholdings on international staff. While some questions on this topic can be answered clearly, others are...

Reflections on Hiring Camp Staff

Hiring young women and men who are prepared to put campers' needs before their own is by far the most important thing I do each year. With year-round programs offering short-term residential...

Resources to Help Children Cope with Crisis

Dowload a July 2011 update of this information. As crisis events play out...

Privacy and Health Information: New Regs — Who "Needs to Know" at Camp?

Many of us remember the staff meeting before campers arrive when information, including information about health history, is shared. The scope of that sharing has been the subject of growing...

Camps Speak an International Language

There’s a passionate debate going on — whether men and women should share child-rearing responsibilities — even if it means the father sometimes stays at home. Native American, Nigerian, Kyrgyz,...

The School-Camp Partnership: Working Together for a Brighter Future for Our Students

Let’s face it; our collective national education system has some issues. Some might even say it needs a complete overhaul. Teachers are often overextended and under-funded, and the resources...