Showing: 11-15 of 15 results

From First Contact to End of Contract

We know that staff can be a challenge to find, attract, hire, engage, and retain. What makes the staff journey result in forward progress from start to completion of their camp experience? Current...

Commitment: How Do We Earn It — and How Do We Keep It?

An answer to this question of the century may seem counterintuitive, yet it is at the core of most camp communities: Relationships. More than ever, staff are looking for connection and belonging. So...

A Meeting of the Minds: Camp Directors, Higher Ed, and College Students

Camps need staff to run their programs; colleges/universities have various requirements for students regarding coursework and internships; and students are usually pulled between what they want to do...

ACA Makes It Possible

Dear Friends, Passion provides hope, direction, and vision. One quality I admire the most in the camp community is the dedication and commitment to the children we all serve. It is what we all do...

Top 25 Staffing Solutions Gathered through Collaboration

Highlighted here is a curated collection of great ideas about how to recruit and retain staff — a direct result of the last two years of conferences and various collaborative brainstorming sessions...