Showing: 31-40 of 53 results

Camper Medical Risks and Trends

Recent trends indicate camp directors are buying less camper accident and sickness medical insurance and relying more on a parent’s insurance to pay for the occasional camper injury or illness. As a...

Risk Management: Camp Management Liability — Evolving Risk

Our uncertain economic times serve as a reminder that the business of camp is full of change. When society, environments, and circumstances change, camp directors and owners are challenged to...

Insurance 101: Your Insurance Policy — What Does it Really Mean?

Several months after renewing your insurance coverage each year, you can count on receiving one or more fat envelopes in the mail containing your insurance policies. How many of us actually pull them...

Maintaining Perspective — Is There Still a Place for Camper Accident and Sickness Insurance in Your Camp Risk Management Plan?

Healthcare costs are out of control in our society, driven largely by Americans' lifestyles, attitudes regarding exercise, and unhealthy eating habits. These costs are exacerbated by our litigation-...

With That In Mind, Part 1: What Directors Need to Know About Staff Mental Health

Hiring young adults to care for other people’s children seems like folly, from a neurodevelopmental perspective. Nobody’s brain is fully developed, many activities are dangerous, the weather can be...

Expand your MESH Capacity Before Summer Begins

Consider these scenarios: A parent calls: “My child has ADD and takes medication for depression. Can she come to camp?” A counselor dashes into your office: “We need you at Cabin 5. A camper...

The Role of Skill Building

Building Camps That Care About Kids — Third in a Series of Four Articles Maybe Walt Whitman was on to something. When we think of the very best ways to help young people grow into...

Children's Mental Health and Camp: What Is Our Role?

Few children's issues have drawn more attention, or been more controversial, than those involving their mental health. For example, in the past twenty years, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder...

With that In Mind, Part II: What Staff Need to Know about Their Own Mental Health

Think, for a minute, about the adults to whom you were most strongly attached as a child. Can you see their faces and remember how they treated you? Perhaps you see parents, teachers, coaches, clergy...

Camp El Tesoro de la Vida: A Camp Experience for Bereaved Children

The death of a loved one is a reality that each of us must face at some point. The experience of a loss invokes a myriad of feelings for adults and children alike. Some will maintain the belief that...