Showing: 21-30 of 40 results

A Partnership of Caring - Parents and Camps Join Together

Child Protection is a Shared Responsibility Nothing substitutes for the vigilance and care of parents in determining a safe situation for their children. While no institution--schools, churches,...

For the Love of Camp Cabins

An event planner by day, I got a call to meet with the new executive director of my former sleep-away camp on planning events for its ninetieth anniversary. I couldn’t help but think of all of the...

What Greater Gift Than the Gift of Camp

Let me introduce myself. My name is Harriet Lowe and I’ve worked for the American Camp Association (ACA) for almost 16 years—first as the director of communications and now in a part-time role as...

The Noticeable Impact of Camp on Kids

Hi parents!  My name is Deidre Pettinga and I’m the Chief Marketing Officer for the American Camp Association (ACA).  In this role, I work with our communications, business development, and...

Choosing a Camp: Don’t Forget the Data!

Hello camp parents! My name is Laurie, and I recently joined ACA as the Director of Research. In this role, I facilitate Research 360, which is ACA’s new...

Connecting with Nature

"Camp is a time to explore, a time to let your brain grow, and a time to connect with the outside."  In this video blog, former ACA CEO Tom Holland explains the benefits of getting outside at...

Para promover el desarrollo juvenil por medio de la investigación

Para promover el desarrollo juvenil por medio de la investigación Para enriquecer la vida de los niños: Una generosa beca de Lilly Endowment Inc. ayudó a financiar el estudio de...

Ayude a sus hijos a anticiparse a la hiedra, el roble y el zumaque venenosos

¡Atención, padres de campistas! El comienzo de la temporada de campamento está a la vuelta de la esquina. Ustedes han elegido el campamento perfecto y este es el momento de asegurarse de que su hijo...

Los adolescentes en los campamentos, los campamentos y los adolescentes

Programas de campamento que se atreven a ser diferentes por Jeffrey Leiken, M.A. En el verano de 2005, cuando la revista TIME publicó el artículo, "Tener 13 años en América" presentaron un...

El gran debate de la educación

La reforma educativa acapara las noticias en estos momentos. El esfuerzo para llevar a cabo un cambio a nivel nacional hacia un curso escolar que dure todo el año gana fuerza, y los discursos al...