Showing: 21-30 of 38 results

Your Staff Are Hired: Now What?

You have hired your staff, but training does not begin for another few months. For our camp staff to be prepared to work with children on Day 1, their training must begin well before the buses pull...

3 Weeks at Summer Camp: What I Learned as an Educator by Being a Camp Parent

I feel like I just spent three weeks at Jewish summer camp. I experienced the highs of color war, the exhilaration of kayaking in the lake, the fear of the high ropes course, and the spirit of...

What's the Best Age for Camp?

You probably want a number here.  If you’re only going to read these first two sentences, then I’ll pick the age of nine. But my real answer is a bit more complex. When...

Too Much Screen Time? Four Ways Summer Camp Can Help

Children between eight and ten years old currently spend nearly eight hours a day on media. Adolescents average nearly eleven hours per day, seven days a week, on screens. The negative impact of this...

Want an Independent, Confident, Resilient Kid? Camp Can Help!

While it’s easy to think of ways to teach our kids to do laundry or solve math problems, finding a way to instill important character traits isn’t as simple. The way we model traits we want our...

5 Tips for Surviving Your Child’s First Overnight Camp Experience

Your child’s at summer camp? That’s so exciting! And hard. For some of you, an internal “WA HOO!” went off as the bus filled with excited campers and their duffle bags pulled away. But for...

5 Reasons Not to Worry While Your Kids Are at Camp

Worrying when our kids are away from us is normal for parents. Every time I’ve ever dropped my kids off for a new adventure without me, I’m excited for them. But I’m also concerned about their safety...

Camp — The Best Job You'll Ever Have

"Being a camp counselor prepared me for life after college both personally and professionally." In this video blog, former ACA CEO Tom Holland reflects on his personal experience as a camp...

Tips for Calming Down Overwhelmed Camp Counselors

“It’s hot.” “I’m tired.” “My campers are crazy.” “My co-counselor is not pulling his/her own weight.” “I am just not sure I have enough left in my tank to finish the summer.” All of these are...

Handling Campers' Homesickness

According to author and psychologist Michael Thompson, PhD, 97 percent of children experience at least some occasional homesick feelings at camp. Considering that statistic, you’ll probably have...