Showing: 1-5 of 5 results

"It's the Best Part of Camp": Camper Views on Smartphone Policies

As camp directors, we instinctually know that the experience is much better without smartphones and technology, but what do the campers themselves think?

Challenges of a "Wired Parent" Raising a "Wired Kid"

Hello Camp Parents! My name is Missy and I am the database administrator for ACA. In this role, I work with a number of our teams to manage information related to the association’s members. But I am...

Crafts Help Campers Develop Skills

In honor of National Craft Month in March, Amy Liikala shares her camp crafting memories and what skills she learned from crafting at camp.  When you think back to your own youth...

How I Made 2,000 Friendship Bracelets in 4 Weeks

“I have an idea . . . but it’s a little crazy.” The weekly marketing meeting began with this disclaimer from me. I proposed that we, my team of six people, would make 2,000 friendship...

How to Prepare Your Camp for the Wildfire Season

The last few wildfire seasons have been more destructive than years' past. These tips can help you keep your summer camp safe during wildfire season.