Showing: 1-10 of 34 results

ACA Government Relations Working to Support Camps

Like many industries, the US camp industry was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The American Camp Association (ACA) advocated at an unprecedented level during the pandemic to enact...

2020-2022 Camp Program Quality Initiative

Funded by the Lilly Endowment, Inc., ACA began a special project to explore and develop systems that support camp professionals in promoting positive youth development through camp experiences.

Tools for Continuous Improvement

At ACA, we believe in continuous improvement. We believe that our work for young people is not conceptualized in boxes or checklists; instead, we think about our work in a cyclical way—a way that...

Camp Program Quality

Program quality refers to the ways camp staff practices, activities, and program climate foster youth development consistently over time.

ACA Awards

Review ACA awards and nominate someone today!

Public Policy

As an educational nonprofit association, the American Camp Association is dedicated to providing quality, reliable, and up-to-date information about the laws and regulations and other public policy...

Awards in ACA, Oregon Trail

We need you to help us recognize some of the amazing people and programs in Oregon Trail. We are currently seeking nominations for the Phyllis M. Ford Creative Programming Award, as well as the...

Awards in ACA, Southern California/Hawaii

It has been a long tradition of the American Camp Association, Southern California / Hawaii area to pay tribute to those who make an extraordinary contribution to the advancement of the camp movement...

Awards in ACA, Wisconsin

Please help us recognize the people and programs doing excellent work in Wisconsin camping by nominating them for an ACA, Wisconsin award. If you know of anyone or any programs that fit one of...

Awards in ACA, Chesapeake

Below you will find the link for the Chesapeake Award Nominations. Read about the seven awards below. This is an opportunity to give an extra "thanks" to a staff person that did an excellent job this...