Showing: 21-30 of 38 results

Early Adolescence - Ages 11 to 13

Developmental Milestones Increase vocabulary to 40,000 words (nearly double from ages 8-9) Choose friends based on common interests, rather than parent selection Begin the...

Middle Adolescence - Age 14 to 16

Developmental Milestones Increase their hypothetical reasoning abilities Conduct increasing future planning Experience further sexual maturation and explore issues of...

Child/Adolescent Development Articles for Parents

The Boy in the Boat - Life Lessons Learned at Camp...

Statement of Compliance

American Camp Association Accreditation describes the operations of the programs and services by an owner/director. This may be sought by a camp operating on its own property, on the property...

The Accredited Camp Sign: A Symbol of Excellence

Tips for Sign Display Repetition aids understanding. Create the impression that you value what is represented by this sign, because you do! Displaying one or two signs in your camp isn’t enough...

Tell the world your camp is ACA-accredited!

Accreditation Talking Points - For Parents

Have you been asked to address your local PTA? Or your town’s Rotary Club? Do you need some talking points to help you in your presentation about the value of camp—to share the message with parents...

Marketing the Value of the Camp Experience

Camp directors and camp staff know intuitively what camp provides for youth. We have sought for words and the solid research to back up what we know in our hearts happens in the magic of the...

ACA Accreditation: Key Messages for the Media

Incorporate these messages everywhere you can – on the phone, in camp tours, camp fairs, in all print literature, videos, website – everywhere! The Value of ACA Accreditation ACA...