Showing: 41-50 of 88 results

Camps and Operation Purple for Military Families

As funding has been cut to support the children of military families, the opportunities for your camp to support those children through the ...

Social Networking Issues and Cyberbullying

Social Networking Issues Articles...

Bullying Prevention: Are You Up to Speed?

Most people understand the “old” concept of bullying — big guys picking on the little guys. It’s hard to find someone who has never been on one side or the other of such a situation, whether male or...

Bullying Prevention Resources

Bullying prevention tips and resources for camps.

Avian Influenza (H5N1-Bird Flu)

Avian influenza (also known as "H5N1" and "bird flu") is an infectious disease of birds caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. The infection can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms in birds,...

How to Use ACA’s Camper Scholarship Program for Camp Moves Me

For-profit camps that want their Camp Moves Me funds to be tax-deductible to donors can do so by utilizing ACA’s Camper Scholarship Program. The Camper...

Camp Moves Me Creative Assets

Camp Moves Me is a fundraising program created by the American Camp Association (ACA) for ACA-accredited camps to use whenever they want, however they want. We have created several...

Regale la experiencia de campamento

¿Juguetes? ¿Juegos? ¿Los últimos aparatos electrónicos? Cada temporada festiva, los padres y abuelos se enfrentan a la difícil decisión de qué regalar a sus niños. Este año quítese ese peso de encima...

Ideas divertidas para ser más ecológicos

Los niños y la naturaleza   Anime a sus hijos a ser "detectives de la naturaleza" y ayúdeles a crear su propio equipo de investigación con lupa, papel y lapicero para que anoten las cosas...

Los niños y la naturaleza están hechos el uno para el otro

Ningún niño se queda dentro Cómo los campamentos enseñan a sus hijos a tener conciencia ecológica Los regalos naturales de los...