Showing: 11-15 of 15 results

Testing Considerations for SARS-CoV-2 in Summer Camp Settings

A major challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic has and continues to be our ability to test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 effectively, efficiently, and economically in both symptomatic and asymptomatic...

Consideraciones sobre las Pruebas para SARS-CoV-2 en Campamentos de Verano

Uno de los principales retos de la pandemia de COVID-19 ha sido y sigue siendo nuestra capacidad de realizar pruebas para detectar la presencia de SARS-CoV-2 de forma eficaz, eficiente y económica...

How to Manage Camp Staff Fatigue

Fatigue at camp is like inclement weather at camp. You’re going to have it at some point, but if you spot it before it happens, you can take steps to be prepared for it and reduce the impact it has...

Does Your Camp Need a Therapist?

Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee partnered with a local therapy practice to provide on-site, drop-in counseling for their staff this summer.

ACA Camp Crisis Hotline Annual Review 2023

Case studies and lessons learned from the ACA Crisis Hotline.