Showing: 41-50 of 114 results

NASA STEM Resources for Camps

The NASA Wavelength site has a list of activities specifically selected for camps! Camp is the perfect environment...

Solar Celebrations

Camps are a great place to check out the sky, including the sun! Campers are invited to celebrate Solar Week...

Camp — The Best Job You'll Ever Have

"Being a camp counselor prepared me for life after college both personally and professionally." In this video blog, former ACA CEO Tom Holland reflects on his personal experience as a camp...

Tips for Calming Down Overwhelmed Camp Counselors

“It’s hot.” “I’m tired.” “My campers are crazy.” “My co-counselor is not pulling his/her own weight.” “I am just not sure I have enough left in my tank to finish the summer.” All of these are...

Multicultural Eclipse Stories from the Lunar and Planetary Institute

Preparing for this summer’s solar eclipse, and looking for ways to engage your campers? Consider playing the free online multicultural eclipse stories, researched and recorded by professional...

Handling Campers' Homesickness

According to author and psychologist Michael Thompson, PhD, 97 percent of children experience at least some occasional homesick feelings at camp. Considering that statistic, you’ll probably have...

Smashing Graham Crackers and Launching Rockets to Space: Opportunities Provided by ACA

The University of Utah, like many universities across the country, takes an active interest in promoting STEM fields to K–12 students.  With the explosion of STEM learning programs, it can be...

Regale la experiencia de campamento

¿Juguetes? ¿Juegos? ¿Los últimos aparatos electrónicos? Cada temporada festiva, los padres y abuelos se enfrentan a la difícil decisión de qué regalar a sus niños. Este año quítese ese peso de encima...

Destinación: Campamento

Un recurso completo para las familias que ofrece consejo profesional de expertos en campamentos sobre la selección de campamento, el momento preciso, el desarrollo infantil y juvenil, y asuntos...

Ideas divertidas para ser más ecológicos

Los niños y la naturaleza   Anime a sus hijos a ser "detectives de la naturaleza" y ayúdeles a crear su propio equipo de investigación con lupa, papel y lapicero para que anoten las cosas...