Showing: 1-10 of 70 results

Camp Yofi: A Family Camp for Children with Autism

Camp Ramah Darom, in partnership with Nova Southeastern University, provides an overnight camp experience for children with autism and their families. Based upon Ramah Darom's five-day family camp...

How Special Needs Camping Has Impacted the Camp Experience

"Camping is an activity that has been embraced by humanity because it's fun and it brings people, especially families, together," said Dr. Tom Zellers, a professor of pediatric cardiology at UT...

Camp for All: A Special Place for Special People

"Dear Mom and Dad, I’m having a great time at camp," writes twelve-year-old Michael. "Today, I rode a horse for the first time. I thought it would be scary, but it was loads of fun. Tonight I’m going...

Food Allergies May Constitute a Disability Under the Americans with Disabilities Act

In an historic judgement on December 20, 2012, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced an...

Research Reports, Summaries, Data, and Maps

All the data from all the research.

Designing Your Programs to Best Enhance the Camp Experience

Top Tips for Camps Intentionally select program activities that provide one or more of the youth-development supports (supportive relationships, safety, youth involvement, skill building)....

Designing Quality Youth Programs

If you believe your program offers a quality experience for your participants but also think doing even better is ideal, this course is for you. Designing Quality Youth Programs takes you through an...

Striving for More Than "Surviving": An Argument for a Non-Inclusion Model for Camps

We've heard directors say, "He survived." Parents tell us, "She got through it." As camp professionals, we know that we can do better. Often, because they love children so much and because they so...

Assessing Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders for Their "Fit" at Camp

One of the best experiences for a child is that of being a camper. The opportunity to be in a child-centered environment, a setting that uses Mother Nature to help deliver a program resulting in...

Privacy and Health Information: New Regs — Who "Needs to Know" at Camp?

Many of us remember the staff meeting before campers arrive when information, including information about health history, is shared. The scope of that sharing has been the subject of growing...