Showing: 1-10 of 133 results

Job Description Samples

ACA job sample job descriptions are here to make your work easier.

Find Camp Staff

Use ACA's two services, Year-round Jobs @ Camp and Summer Jobs at Camp, to help you fill your open positions at camp.

Preparing for a Job Fair

Get set up for success at any camp job fair by following some simple guidelines: Choosing the best camp fair for you! Contact the placement office, before registering, and inquire about:...

Find Summer and Seasonal Camp Staff

Find summer camp staff! Take advantage of the increased exposure from Google for Jobs. Advertise all your camp’s open positions with an unlimited subscription!

Strategies for Staff Recruitment and Retention

Compare the salaries, wages, and benefits you are providing to your full-time and seasonal staff using ACA's camp salary and compensation research reports.  Make sure YOUR camp is...

Tips for Providing Academic Internships at Camp

Tax Incentives for Camps Who Hire Veterans

In 2001, Congress enacted a new law that amends the Internal Revenue Code.  Named the VOW to Hire Heroes Act - it includes tax credits for businesses that hire unemployed veterans. The law...

Fair Labor Standards Act - Applicability to Camps

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal,...

Year-Round Education of Children and Youth

American Camp Association Position and Resources Understand the importance of the connection with nature Children and Nature Create positive relationships...

Immigration Reform - Impact on Camps Utilizing Cultural Exchange Visitors

The most recent changes to Immigration Law in the US were enacted in 2013.  It is anticipated that the US Department of State will again consider J-1 Visa Cultural Exchange regulations in 2016...