Showing: 11-15 of 15 results

Building Healthy Relationships with Parents: What Every Camp Needs to Know

Today’s parents are supportive and dedicated to their children, but they are also the most anxious and controlling parents in American history. Successful camps have strategies in place for...

Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention at Camp

As staffers, parents and kids prepare for another memorable summer at camp, there is one important detail that must not escape our attention - doing everything possible to ensure that children are...

Health Screening Has Evolved: Does Your Practice Reflect That?

Health screening, a practice typical to most camps' opening day process, has undergone an evolution. Granted, some changes were kick-started by our COVID-19 experience but, like...

100 Activities That Build Unity, Community, and Connection

This collection of icebreakers, energizers, get-acquainted games, opening and closing activities, and team challenges and games are my favorite ways to build unity, community, and connection within...

GLSEN Safe Space Kit